Minutes, January 14, 2012



President:                Cathy Tepel

Vice President:        Jim Morehouse

Secretary/Treasurer:  Carol Hassebrock

Board Members:               Wayne Holverstott, Deanne Wright

                                 Chris Urquhart, Katy Montfort

Absent:   Chris Urquhart


Guest:  Three Owners,   Wendy Wampler, Jeraldine Taylor, Alan Likkel


Call to Order:  9am.


Minutes were approved as presented.  Wayne 1st, Deanne 2nd, passed.


Financial report was approved as presented.  Cathy 1st, Jim 2nd, passed.


Katy motioned and Deanne second motion to give treasurer authority to contract with auditor Suzie Thomson to audit the 2011 documents.  Passed.


Committee Reports:

          Maintenance:  Wayne gave a facilities report.  The need for more parking lot lights was explored.  The electrical capacity of our breaker boxes has been reached.  No lights will be considered at this time.  Pressure washing was discussed for spring.  The need for exhaust vents to be inspected was discussed.  It was decided to contract with the people that clean our gutters to examine and clean exhaust vents as necessary at the same time that the gutters are cleaned in the spring.

         Grounds:  Deanne presented the contract for the lawn and garden maintenance from our present Lawn Company, Corin.  A discussion was held.  Motion made to hire Corin for the 2012-2013 year at a contracted cost of $14,316.93.    Deanne 1st, Carol 2nd, passed. 

          Sales:  No sales are pending at this time.






Old Business:  The 2012 budget that was tentatively approved at the Board’s November meeting was adjusted to reflect the final financial information from the end of year reports.  The owners present had opportunity to speak for or against the proposed budget.  Deanne 1st and Cathy 2nd a motion to accept the 2012 budget as adjusted.  Passed.


New Business:  Cathy presented the need for a new furnace in the pool area.   A bid of $3,067 + tax was accepted from Lynden Sheet Metal for the furnace. Carol 1st. Wayne 2nd.  Passed.


Vent fans are needed in the hot tub area to keep moisture under control and protect the ceiling from too much humidity.  Cathy will get bids for the vent fans from Lynden Sheet Metal.  Board members will be sent the information by E-mail.


Other Business:

Unit without insurance:   A report was given on water damage in a unit.  There was extensive damage caused in two units from a toilet overflowing in an upper unit.  The owner of the unit where the toilet overflowed is liable for the damages to both units.  It has been reported that the owner does not have insurance on his unit to cover this liability.  All owners are required to have insurance to protect their neighbors.  Another notice will go out to all owners reminding them of the CCRs requirement that all units have individual owners’ insurance.  The board will examine our policies and CCRs to determine how to protect each other from owners who choose to be out of compliance when they choose to not have insurance on their unit.


Re-finance Issues:  A discussion was held on the paper work and time required to complete paper work for owners who are re-financing or seeking reverse mortgages.  Owners will be sent a notice that any paper work and documentation that their financial institution wants for such business is the responsibility of the owner.   The association does not have a management company to handle such work..   Board members are volunteers and do not have the time to complete paper work for owners.




Wild Life:  Reports of squirrels, rats, and raccoons bothering the complex was discussed.  Squirrels are hiding peanuts that they have been fed.  Rats are digging in the gardens to retrieve these peanuts.  Dead rats have been found on the complex.  The rats are destroying plantings when they dig for the peanuts.  There are several raccoons living in the bushes on the slope above the parking lot.  A letter will be sent to owners asking them to not feed any of the wild life so that the situation does not get out-of-control.


Next Meeting:  February 25, 2012



Adjournment:  12 noon






Carol Hassebrock, Secretary