January 19, 2013


President:                    Cathy Tepel

Vice President:           Jim Morehouse

Secretary/Treasurer:   Carol Hassebrock

Board Members:         Wayne Holverstott

                                    Chris Urquhart

                                    Deanne Wright

                                    Kim Burgess




Call to order by Vice-President Jim Morehouse.

President Cathy Tepel has requested a leave of absence due to family emergency. Motion to appoint Carol as Acting President in Cathy's absence by Jim.  2nd by Kim. Approved.


Motion to appoint Kim as Acting Secretary and Wayne as Acting Treasurer by Deanne. 2nd by Chris. Approved.


Motion to add Wayne to bank accounts and check signing authority with Carol and Jim by Deanne. 2'" by Kim. Approved.




MINUTES: Motion to accept by Chris. 2' by Kim. Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT: Motion to accept by Chris. 2'' by Deanne. Approved.




            Grounds:        All the trees need trimming. Deanne to provide report to Wayne to             bring to next meeting for which trees to trim and an estimated cost.


            Maintenance: Wayne provided list of repairs and improvements for 2013.


  1. Clean, sand, and paint all metal brackets holding the steps in bldg #1 and check brackets in bldg #3.
    Motion to complete project by Deanne. 2nd by Kim. Approved.

  2. Replace siding on the back of bldg #1 on the north side. Check for any water damage under the siding.
    Motion to start with installing flashing over windows and replace siding as needed with Hardy plank and move the gutter crossing unit 237's entrance back to where it was.  2nd by Chris. Approved.

  3. Install carbon monoxide monitors in all units and clubhouse as required by new law.
    Motion to install plug-in detectors as they are cheaper and no installation cost by Kim. 2 Id by Chris. Approved.
    Carol will send letters to all owners to advise.

  4. Remove grass in front of bldg #2 at the corners because water is wicking up into the wood and rotting the corner boards.
    Deanne will arrange with the gardeners.

  5. Remove cloudy glass in windows and sliding glass doors in all buildings. Estimate prepared by Todhunter Glass for $6,458.12 presented.
    Motion to approve by Chris. 2 n by Kim. Approved.
    Carol will send letters to all owners to ensure all owners are aware and no one's windows are missed.

  6. Pressure wash all walkways, entryways, pool patio, cement steps, and apply sealant.  Advised by Deanne that this is done every spring. Wayne will get an estimate from Duane and bring to the next meeting.

  7. Apply moss remover on all slopped shingled roofs. Estimate presented of $434.00.  Motion to go ahead by Wayne. 2' by Jim. Approved.

  8. Pressure wash, reseal, and stripe parking lot. Estimate provided by Duane for $12,000.00. Project on hold to obtain additional estimates.

  9. Downspouts plugging from debris being dropped by seagulls. Dan D will add baskets to all downspouts during the next gutter cleaning.



Attorney:       Advised that with Cathy taking leave of absence, Board positions have to

be reassigned prior to any discussion. Carol will meet with attorney with Chris. Motion to allow Carol and Chris to visit attorney's office and to sign contracts as required and report to the Board by Deanne. 2'' by Kim. Approved.

            - Clean up along back wall -.discussed.

            - Cut back the blackberries and bushes that hang over the cars - discussed. Wayne to arrange with church youth group to see if the youth want the fund-raising project again this year.


2013 Budget:


Motion to approve 2013 Budget as finalized by the Board. Motion by Kim. 2' by Chris. Approved.


ADJOURNMENT: 11:50 AM. Next meeting February 16, 2013 at 9AM.




Kimberli Burge, Acting Secretary