January 11, 2015


VICE PRESIDENT:             Jim Morehouse


SECRETARY:                      Kim Burgess


TREASURER:                      Carol Hassebrock


BOARD MEMBERS:          Chris Urquhart


ABSENT:                             Wayne Holverstott, Deanne Wright, Cathy Tepel


CALL TO ORDER:              2:00 PM


Call to order by Vice President Jim Morehouse.

Motion made by Jim for Carol Hassebrock to chair the meeting.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.


GUESTS:                             None.



MINUTES:                          Motion made by Chris to approve the November minutes as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Financial report presented by Carol.  Motion made by Kim to accept the financial report as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved


                                             Motion made by Chris to authorize Carol to engage with an auditor for the audit of year ended 2014. 2nd by Kim.  Approved.


NEW BUSINESS:               2015 Budget


                                             Cathy met with Bookkeeping solutions to draft 2015 Budget.  Draft of budget presented by Carol.  Motion made by Kim to approve draft as presented.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.


                                             Carol will send a notice to all owners informing them that the 2015 budget will be on the February 14 agenda.   Owners will be given the opportunity to  speak for or against the proposed 2015 Budget before the Budget is voted on by the Board.



Maintenance:    Report of a water leak in Building 2.  Investigation revealed leak due to faulty dishwasher hose and therefore, Association is not responsible for repairs.


Grounds:             Bids for ground maintenance received.  Analysis of bids prepared by Cathy and presented by Carol.  Chris made a motion to contract with Management Services as recommended by Cathy for 2015.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


OLD BUSINESS:                None.




Motion to adjourn by Jim.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.


ADJOURNMENT:              3:00 PM


Next meeting:                   February 14, 2015 at 9:00 am







Kimberli Burgess, Secretary