Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, January 12, 2019
Call to order: 9am
Greet Guests- Sharon
Add agenda items from guests. Proposed marijuana policy. See new business #4 for by-laws committee.
Minutes of November regular Board meeting and minutes of Special Board meeting from December 1, 2018, as E-mailed. Motion by Chris to approve November minutes. Tom second. Approved. Motion by Chris to approve special December meeting, second by Tim. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Tim motion to approve. Tom second. Approved.
Grounds Report and Facilities Report: Tim Lynch
1. Roof repair update, Building 1. 2. Discuss recent storm and discuss any action the Board might take for protecting Mariners Cove. Flood Insurance concerns. Tom will do some research for actions we might take to protect the property. 3. Dead trees removal. Outdoor light fixtures on Building 3. Etc.
Old Business:
1. Action from facilities/grounds report if necessary. Motion by Chris to accept renewal bid from Management Services for next three years. Stacy second. Approved.
2. Report on dog relief station from Stacey.
3. Discussion on renter’s dog issues as requested by owner. Action? Motion by Eric that letter be sent to owner requesting that animal be removed pursuant to association by-laws. Cathy second. Approved.
4. Other
New Business:
1. Action from facilities/grounds report
2. Authorize Carol to contract with Auditor J. Vandal for 2018 audit for the amount of $2,800. Motion by Chris. Cathy second. Approved.
3. Landscape Contract bids. See above #1 in old business.
4. Discuss future projects and prioritize if Board decides to proceed. Revise and update by-laws. Develop a policy book which would give guidance to Board on how to implement by-laws and CCRs. Motion by Eric that a committee be formed of one or more owners from each building and one liaison from the board to review, revise and update by-laws for vote by owners. A policy book to enforce by-law would be created as part of this effort to be presented to the owners at 2019 annual meeting. Chris second. Approved.
5. Committee of one or two to be a welcome committee for new residents (both new owners and new renters) Committee would develop what a “welcome” would look like. Cathy Weeks has volunteered to be part of this committee. Much of the information is already on the website and is sent to the title company at the time of purchase. Tabled for now.
6. Patio doors replacement. Inventory needs and prioritize repair or replacement, spreading the replacement over a couple of years. Tim will do an inventory of which doors need to be replaced for next month’s meeting.
7. Security systems limit. Do we want to look at updating or replacing? Ralph has a recommendation for a new system. Eric will take a look and consult a security system expert. Motion by Chris to proceed with the above. Stacy second. Approved.
Executive Session: To discuss legal matters. 5 minutes
Out of Executive Session: Action from executive session, if necessary. None.
Adjournment: 10:30 am
Next meeting, February 16th ??