Mariners Cove Association Board January 9, 2021


Call to Order: 9:04 am

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Lynda and Steve Wimbush, Clarence and Lois Deelstra, Cathe Weeks, Chris Urquhart, Lauren Frances, Tom and Jan Scally, Lavonne Roosendall, Carol Hassebrock, Jamie Ponder, Christina Brewer, Eric Hedges, Felecia and Dave Sutton, 206-300-7137, Sharon Tucker, Julie Sahagian, Tim Lynch, Brooks Friedland, Margaret Reimer.


Minutes: Eric December minutes as e-mailed, Motion by Carol to approve the minutes as amended, second by Chris. Approved.

Financial Report: Carol  Motion by Chris to approve financial report as presented, second by Jamie. Approved.

Old Business:

2021 Budget discussion

Discuss and approve the 2021 budget. Motion to approve the 2021 budget as presented by Eric, second by Chris. Approved. After input from owners present on Zoom,  the Board approved the 2021 budget as presented.


In order to support the 2021 budget, motion by Carol second by Chris to raise dues $35 per month starting with the second quarter on April 1, 2021.  Approved.


Capital reserve needs for 2021. Potential capital expenses discussed including list that Ralph emailed.   

Facilities and grounds report: Ralph/Brooks

- Roof inspection/cleaning. Motion by Carol to accept the bid from A1 Gutters in the amount of $1,929.43 for a one time maintenance. Second by Chris. Approved.

- South parking lot water. Ralph discussed several BBWARM projects that may improve the situation. We either need to keep limping it along or spend some money to improve. Whatever is decided, it will continue to be a problem during king tides.


Drone for roof instructions. Brooks has purchased his own drone and will be testing it out. This may be an opportunity for the board to understand the efficacy of having a drone. Discussion tabled.


New Business: 


Christina Brewer gave an update on the guy wire issue. Christina has spoken with the public works director who referred  her to a community relations representative within the public works department.


Ralph discussed the 2019 audit draft.  Felicia motion to approve 2019 audit as presented, second by Brooks.  Approved


Motion by Chris to authorize Carol to engage auditor JH Vandal to audit the 2020 fiscal year for a cost of $2,800.  This includes 2020 Income tax preparation and filing.  Second by Jamie.  Approved.



Executive Session


Action from Executive Session:


Motion by Carol to hire Brooks Friedland as a maintenance employee at $25/hr, second by Chris. Approved.


Motion by Brooks to increase Dave Sutton’s maintenance wage to $25/hr retroactive, second by Jamie. Approved.

Next Meeting: Saturday, February 20 at 9:00AM

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 11:50AM by Eric, second by Jamie. Approved.