Mariners Cove Association Board

Minutes  January 15, 2022


Call to Order:  9 am


Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Jamie Ponder, Brooks Friedland, Sandi Mehl, Steve Wimbush, Carol Hassebrock.  Excused Absence:  Felecia Sutton


Guests: Tom and Jan Scally unit #210


Correspondence:  none


 Minutes: Motion to approve December minutes as emailed by Jamie and seconded by Sandi.  Approved.


 Financial Report: Motion to approve financial report as e-mailed by Steve, second by Brooke.  Approved. 


Committee Reports:

Grounds, Jamie reported on snow removal.  

Facilities, Brooks reported on ongoing projects.  Nolan roofing will be on-site February 6 to check roofs.  (changed to February 21st.)

Old Business:  Ralph updated the board on progress with the flood mitigation in building 1 and the frozen pipes in buildings 2 and 3.  Carol explained where we are with insurance payouts.


2022 Budget:  Presentation of the proposed 2022 budget to the owners was postponed to the February 26th meeting.


New Business: Jamie proposed the board work on a policy for heat in storage rooms during cold weather. Discussion followed.  No action taken.


Jamie proposed an access panel be placed in the walls of the bathrooms where the fire suppressant pipes froze. The access panels will allow heat into the pipe area when the temperature is below freezing.  Carol motioned and Jamie seconded to purchase and install the access panels.  MC


Steve led a discussion on the need to update our Reserve Study.  Motion to solicit bids for the study by Sandi and seconded by Brooks.  MC 5 to 1  Steve and Carol will look into companies available to do the study and bring recommendations to the board. 


Ralph reported on a car prowl of a resident’s car the morning of January 7.  There was also a report of the bike storage lock being stolen along with a bike.  Matter was reported to the Sheriff’s department. 


Executive session for 15 minutes.  No action taken.



Motion to adjourn by Jamie, seconded Brooke.  MC   11:35 AM

Next meeting February 26, 2022     Budget will be presented to owners.  Information to be sent to owners prior to the meeting.  Special meeting to discuss budget may be called if needed.

 Carol Hassebrock, Secretary