Mariners Cove Condominium Association
Regular Board Meeting Agenda
January 19, 2024 7:30 pm Zoom
Call to Order: 7:30 pm via Zoom
Attendees: Sandi Mehl, Jamie Ponder, Steve Wimbush, Kathleen Ashburn, Ralph Tepel, Felecia Sutton, Eric Hedges, Carol Hassebrock
Greet guests: Cathe Weeks, John Templeton, Katy Montfort, Tom Bakken, Brooks Friedland
Minutes of December 9, 2023 Board Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion by Ralph Tepel to approve minutes, second by Steve Wimbush. Approved.
Financial Report as emailed. Motion by Ralph Tepel to approve financial report as emailed, second by Jamie Ponder. Approved.
Committee Reports:
Facilities: December pool issues. Lynden sheet metal is now doing service in the pool. Light in spa room had an issue. There may be a roof leak in the women’s restroom that does not appear to be condensation. We will get Nolan to look at it as they put the roof on. Felecia will call Nolan on Monday. Ralph discussed water piping issues where there have been freezing in the cold weather. Ralph discussed looking at re-piping these units. He has access to an infrared camera where we could look into the walls. No damage to building 1 that we are aware of. Tom is going to be working with Felecia to get keys figured out. Tom has also been working with Cathe to get the emergency sewer procedure figured out.
Lawn/grounds: Jamie Ponder. We cancelled the de-icing as it wasn’t cost effective. Plowing is done by a smaller company so it is labor intensive. Contract for landscaping is coming up for renewal in April. Jamie will be requesting proposals from several companies.
Old Business:
Trees impacting views – Don Graham - Tabled
Insurance Renewal. We are still looking.
Snow Removal
New Business
Resignation of Treasurer. Felecia has resigned from the Treasurer position. Eric Hedges has volunteered to serve as assistant to the Treasurer. The Treasurer position is open.
Birch Bay Water & Sewer. Motion by Eric Hedges to have Ralph engage an attorney to respond to BBWS, second by Kathleen. Approved.
January 2024 Sprinkler Break
Pool Cover. Ralph will research what the law is.
Executive Session:
Out of Executive Session:
Other Business:
Motion by Sandi Mehl to send letter to delinquent owner, second by Steve Wimbush. Approved.
Motion by Ralph Tepel to provide Tom Bakken a $250 limit to proceed with repairs without board approval, second by Steve Wimbush. Approved.
Next Meeting: February 24, 2024 9:00AM.
Adjournment: Motion by Eric Hedges to adjourn at 9:46PM, second by Jamie Ponder. Approved.