Minutes, February 25, 2012
President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Secretary/Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Board Members: Wayne Holverstott, Deanne Wright
Chris Urquhart, Katy Montfort
Absent: Chris Urquhart, Wayne Holverstott
No guests present.
Call to Order: 9am.
Minutes were approved as presented. Jim 1st, Deanne 2nd, passed.
Financial report was approved as presented. Cathy 1st, Deanne 2nd, passed.
Committee Reports:
1. Maintenance Update: Cathy reported for Wayne. Routine maintenance for this spring and summer. Moss on driveway, mold on some of the siding, gutter cleaning, routine caulking, a board will be replaced on Building I, investigate placing gutters on the upper decks of Building I, continue replacement of blown windows and patio glass and/or patio doors. A notice will be sent to the owners so they may report glass replacement needs in their units and get on the list for the work.
2. Grounds: Deanne reported. Some sprinkler heads will be replaced. Prices for water sensors are being investigated so that the sprinklers do not run when watering is not needed. Iron will be applied to the lawns as we did last year. Price of mulch and labor to apply the mulch is also being investigated.
3. Sales: No sales pending at this time.
Old Business:
At an earlier board meeting, the Board voted to put electricity in the storage shed. Because of new information about concerns for the breaker that would service the storage shed, the board voted to rescind the early decision and not allow electricity to be wired to the storage shed. Motioned made by Katy, seconded by Carol. MC.
The following projects have been completed: The new furnace for the club house and pool area has been installed. An air vent has been installed in the hot tub area to regulated humidity in that space. Replacement of lights for energy savings in the pool area, photo eye to regulate lights on Building 3 repaired, solar light placed at mail box.
The problem with squirrels, rats, and raccoons around the complex was discussed as a follow-up from the January meeting. Letters of concern about the wild life will be sent to the owners.
As required by Washington State Condo Law, the Board updated the Association’s twenty-five year projected Capital Projects repair budget for the auditor.
At the Board’s request, Katy Montfort agreed to represent Mariner’s Cove on the Birch Bay Steering Committee.
As advised by the auditor, a motion was made to require job descriptions for all employees of the Association. Cathy 1st, Deanne 2nd, MC. Pool maintenance employee job description is completed. General repair and maintenance employee job description will be drawn up.
Next Board Meeting: March 17th at 9 am.
Adjournment: 12 noon
Carol Hassebrock, Secretary