February 14, 2015


PRESIDENT:                       Cathy Tepel


VICE PRESIDENT:             Jim Morehouse


SECRETARY:                      Kim Burgess


TREASURER:                      Carol Hassebrock


BOARD MEMBERS:          Chris Urquhart. Wayne Holverstott


ABSENT:                             Deanne Wright


CALL TO ORDER:              9:05 AM


Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.


GUESTS:                             Tim Lynch, Dixie Mitchell, Bill Henshaw and Ralph Tepel


MINUTES:                          Motion made by Chris to approve the January minutes as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Financial report presented by Carol.  Motion made by Wayne to accept the financial report as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved


                                             Draft of 2015 Budget presented by Carol with one correction to the amount required for the auditor. 


                                             Question:  What is planned for capital improvements for 2015?


                                             Answer:  Resurfacing of the pool is required as per health inspector.  Proposal of various options will be brought to the members at the 2014 Annual General Meeting.


                                             Answer:  Building 2 requires repairs to some of the balconies.


                                             Motion made by Chris to approve the 2015 Budget as presented.  2nd by Kim.  No further questions.  Approved.




Report:                Comcast bill has been reduced by $200.00 per month.


Gutters in Building 3 are rusting.  Wayne will contact All American and have them replaced.


Dan Dee will remove trees as needed to prevent further damage to parking lot.


Damage to clubhouse after recent use by renter.  Renter has been billed to recover costs.


Management Services has been contracted for ground maintenance.  They will work on Fridays so that Deanne can meet with them as needed.


Dan Dee will meet with Wayne to go through maintenance required for

Building 2.


Elevation certificate is available through Cathy for owners as required for insurance purposes.


               Sales:                   There have been 4 sales in the past month.


Maintenance:    Lights have been fixed as required.


Rails have been installed on Building 2


                              PSE Offer:  PSE will partially cover the cost to replace all lights in public areas of property including installing sensors in pool area.  The total cost will be $11,382.  The cost for the MCCA will be $3,488.02 with the balance being paid by PSE.  This will offer a savings of approximately $3893.00 per year.


                              Motion made by Chris to change all lights with PSE offer including sensors for the clubhouse pool area.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.


                              Water leak in the area behind the wall at the back of the parking lot causing mud to accumulate in parking lot and wearing of the brick wall.  Wayne will speak to Kevin at Birch Bay RV Resort.


                              Speed signs will be installed at a posted 5 MPH.


Grounds:             New contract with Management Services to begin March 1, 2015.


NEW BUSINESS:               Committee needs to be formed to updated by-laws to reflect Amendment 6 changes prior to AGM.  Chris volunteered to work on committee with Carol.


                                             Process for collection of information proposal:  Cathy suggested that new owner information be requested from relators prior to the release of the resale certificate to ensure the Board is updated. 




CORRESPONDENCE:        Letter to Board:  Letter received from Young Kim requesting to purchase a 15 X 255 foot parcel of MCCA property at the north end for $12,500.00.  All Board members in agreement to decline this offer.


EXECUTIVE MEETING:    Entered at 10:50 AM

                                             Out of executive meeting 10:55 AM


Motion to adjourn by Chris.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


ADJOURNMENT:              11:00 AM


Next meeting:                   March 14, 2015 at 9:00 am







Kimberli Burgess, Secretary