February 20, 2016

President:                           Cathy Tepel

Vice President:                 Jim Morehouse

Secretary:                           Kim Burgess

Treasurer:                           Carol Hassebrock

Board Members:              Wayne Holverstott

                                                Chris Urquhart

                                                Deanne Wright

Absent:                                                Jim Morehouse

Wayne Holvertott

CALL TO ORDER:               9:15 AM

                                                Call to order by Cathy Tepel.

GUESTS:                               All owners were mailed notices that the 2016 budgets would be discussed and set at the February meeting.  Owners were advised it would be an open meeting with the opportunity for all owners to have input on the 2016 budgets.  No owners or guests were present.


MINUTES:                           Motion made by Carol to accept the minutes of the meeting held January 21, 2016.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT:       Motion made by Deanne to approve General Budget for 2016 as presented. 2nd by Chris.  Approved.

Capital Project/ Building Fund Budget was discussed.     Motion made by Deanne to put $5,000 for fence replacement at the North property line on the 2016 budget.  2nd by Chris.  Approved. 

Motion to accept 2016 Capital Project/ Build Fund Budget as amended.  Motion by Chris, Seconded by Deanne.  Approved.


Presidents Report:          None.

Maintenance:                    No update.        

Grounds:                             No update.

SALES:                                   No sales.

EXECUTIVE MEETING:    Cathy called the Board into executive meeting at 10:10 to discuss vandalism to clubhouse.

Back into open meeting at 10:35.

ACTION:                               Motion made by Carol to contract Northwest Cleaning to clean racquetball court and carpets and to contract Guardian Security to recharge fire extinguishers.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.

Carol will draft a letter to Sean advising the total cost of cleaning including the replacement of the mop and broom.  A copy of this letter will be sent to John & Toby and to the condo owner.  Letter will also advise that Sean is banned from using the clubhouse and pool area indefinitely.              

OLD BUSINESS:                 None.

NEW BUSINESS:               President Cathy Tepel tabled the new business as listed on the February meeting agenda till the March meeting.

Motion to adjourn made by Chris.  2nd by Deanne.  Approved.

ADJOURNMENT:              10:45

NEXT MEETING:                March 19, 2016