Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, February 16, 2019
Call to order: 9am. Tom, Eric, Chris, Tim, Carol, Stacy
Greet Guests: None
Add agenda items from guests: None
Minutes of January meeting as emailed earlier. Eric motion to approve January minutes, Chris second. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Funds from additional monthly assessments is making a large difference in the health of our finances. We have been able to reimburse ourselves for insurance expenditures. Eric motion to approve, Stacy second. Approved.
Grounds Report and Facilities Report: Tim Lynch
1. Roof repair update, Building 1. 2. Discuss recent snow storm and discuss any action the Board might take for protecting Mariners Cove. 3. Dead trees removal. 4. Outdoor light fixtures on Building 3 have been fixed. Etc.
Old Business:
1. Action from facilities/grounds report if necessary. None.
2. Dog issues
3. Landscape 2019-2020 contract. Still waiting on the contract. Tim is scheduling a meeting to review contract and schedule of services.
4. By-laws and policy update. Tabled.
5. Welcome Committee. Tabled.
6. Patio Doors roller repairs. Tim and Eric have been working on with positive results.
7. Security System: table till Ralph Tepel is available for input in mid-March. Tabled.
New Business:
1. Action from facilities/grounds report
2. Owners that rent their unit access to clubhouse and pool?
3. Discuss future projects and prioritize if Board decides to proceed. Carol charged all board members to brainstorm and come to March meeting with list of suggested future projects.
Executive Session: To discuss legal matters. 5 minutes.
Out of Executive Session: Action from executive session, if necessary.
Adjournment: 10:30 am
Next meeting, March 23