Mariners Cove Association Board February 20, 2021
Call to Order: 9 am
Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Chris Urquhart, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Carol Hassebrock, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges
January minutes as e-mailed. Motion by Eric to approve as amended, second by Chris. Approved.
January Special Meeting minutes as e-mailed. Motion by Carol to approve minutes of special meeting, second by Chris. Approved.
Financial Report: Motion by Chris to accept financial report as presented in February 19, 2021 email, second by Felecia. Approved.
Old Business:
Facilities and grounds report: Ralph/Brooks
- February freeze/snow. Chris will pick up another bag of ice melt and be reimbursed. Parking lot never got bad enough to plow but we need to have a resource for plowing if necessary. Chris volunteered to research.
- Roof inspection/cleaning. A1 gutters was out to repair and clean where needed. They were done quickly and may not have performed all agreed services. Ralph will call them back and make sure what we contracted them for and did they complete.
- Guy pole status. At some time the guy pole will be removed and new guy wires will be less intrusive. Christina did an excellent job pursuing this. The board thanks Christina for taking the lead on this issue as well as all owners that wrote to the county executive.
- Status on trash/recycle pickup – Brooks. Felecia will put pick up schedule in the next news letter.
- Lawn maintenance contract update. We will meet with vendors in March.
- Handrail upgrade Bldg 1. Ralph has researched products and will put together a letter to the board with some options and potential costs.
CCR rewrite update: Carol. Attorney is looking at our current CCR’s. He is aware that our annual meeting is in June and goal is to have proposed CCR’s and all pertinent inputs completed for annual meeting.
New Business:
- Owner modifications to units. President to communicate to owner(s) regarding compliance with CCR’s when applicable.
- Next newsletter?
- Balcony glass cleaning. Motion by Carol to do a one time cleaning of balcony glass in recognition that owners have limited access to clean their unit exterior glass due to the pandemic, second by Brooks. Approved.
Other business:
Next meeting…March 20 at 9:00AM via Zoom.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 10:51 by Brooks, second by Eric. Approved.