Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2023   7pm  Zoom


Call to Order:  7 pm via Zoom

Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Jamie Ponder, Sandi Mehl, Brooks Friedland, Carol Hassebrock, Felecia Sutton, Eric Hedges

Greet guests: John Templeton, Moe Scharhon, Cathe Weeks, Chris Urquhart, Katy Monfort


Minutes of January 28, 2023 as emailed. Sandi noted the ceiling above steps should be amended to unit 218. Motion by Steve to approve as amended, second by Brooks. Motion carries.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve financial report by Sandi, second by Steve. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Brooks Friedland. Ralph and Brooks to review the dumpster enclosure gate situation. Roofing issues ongoing.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. Will ask the crew to work on the front edge and weeding in the beds.


Old Business:

            Trees impacting views – Don Graham. Tabled.

            Ants. Bio Bug was out today and sprayed inside of affected units.

            Update sprinkler break Building 3. Dry guys were able to get units dried out. One owner had a private inspector report no mold and all was dried out. Derek has checked the insulation and found no moisture. Most of the damage is external and cosmetic. 252 needs new pad and carpet stretched, still assessing other impacts. 240 we are replacing laminate flooring which is starting to separate due to getting wet. We are in the process of selecting a new laminate. Steve spoke about plumbing connectors that are old and brittle.

Sprinkler system freezing problem - Eric. Follow up with the Fire Department Fire Marshal Whatcom County, Fire district, referral possible architect or envelope engineer.                                                                                                  

            Birch Bay Water and Sewer Update, Ralph met with Wilson Engineering who is contracted to BBWS. The goal is to remove us from the sewer line from the RV park. WE is suggesting 3 pump stations. One installed south of building 2, one between building 1 and 3, third single pump for the clubhouse. They are also looking at putting in a generator on the north end of the clubhouse. Natural gas for the generator would come from the clubhouse. BBWS and WE are putting together a design for construction and would provide the funds. Mariners Cove would be responsible for the installation. New construction to the south of Mariners Cove should not impact the sewer. Ralph is inclined to ask BBWS to do a presentation to Mariners Cove, maybe at the annual meeting. Jamie brought up maintenance, odors, noise of the generator. Carol brought up that the board should review the BBWS design proposal before taking it to the owners. Felecia asked if we need to contact an attorney to review if BBWS is responsible for the issues caused by the sewer.

            Building 1, Roof Repair, Ralph. See Brooks’ facilities report.

            Budget for 2023, set new date for meeting with owners. We are currently looking at a $20/month general fund and $0 building fund. Pool maintenance is a large chunk of additional costs, Ralph explained pool maintenance responsibilities and believes we are getting a good price for those efforts. Another component of increase is the administrative assistant position. General maintenance costs have also increased. Insurance rate reduction has mitigated some of the additional costs. The board should have a working session to review the budget. Cathe asked about who covers the pool responsibilities when Nancy is not available. Ralph proposed that the board meet on March 4 to review the budget and homeowner’s meeting budget presentation will be March 11.

            Administrative Position. Tabled for budget meeting.



New Business

Annual Meeting June 3rd .  In person and Zoom.


Next meeting:   March 18th.  9 am.


Adjournment:    Motion to adjourn at 8:50 by Eric Hedges, second by Brooks Friedland. Motion carries.