Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2024   9:00 am  Zoom


Call to Order:  9:05 am via Zoom

Attendees: Sandi Mehl, Steve Wimbush, Ralph Tepel, Jamie Ponder, Carol Hassebrock, Eric Hedges

Greet guests: Cathe Weeks, John Curry, John Templeton, Tom Scally, Katy Montfort, Don Graham


Minutes of January 19, 2024 Board Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve January minutes by Ralph Tepel, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion carries.


Financial Report as emailed. Motion by Steve Wimbush to approve financial report as emailed, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Mold problem in 225 storage unit, Derek has sprayed and cut out materials, re-caulked seams, this is complete.

Driveway lights discussion, push back on carriage light proposal, they are cheap and fit on existing bolt pattern, Cathe Weeks asked if the beautification committee could research the light, Ralph Tepel didn’t have an issue as long as proposed fixture was appropriate

Ralph discussed May clean up, Carol suggested we refer to Felecia Sutton.

Sandi Mehl brought up 213 deck issues, Ralph stated Derek was waiting on weather, Ralph will follow up with owner.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. March is when landscaping efforts begin, our contract expires April 1. Jamie is getting quotes for landscaping contract. Sandi Mehl asked about rhodies on half wall, are they getting trimmed, Jamie stated that goal is to trim them all back to same height. Cathe Weeks discussed back hillside overgrowth, Ralph stated that it is not our property, Ralph cautioned that we need vegetation on the hillside to hold it together but we can have it trimmed, Jamie stated that is part of the landscapers responsibilities. John Templeton brought up abandoned car in the parking lot.


Old Business:

            Trees impacting views – Tabled

            Vestibule Sprinkler Repair. Long discussion regarding how to pay for current and future freezing event repairs.

            Insurance Renewal. Carol has been in touch with Country Financial, more to follow. Ralph has spoken with State Farm who is not interested in insuring us at this time.


New Business

            Treasurer Vacancy-Tabled


Next Meeting:  March 30, 2024 at 9:00AM.


Executive Session:


Out of Executive Session:  Action from Executive Session. None.


Adjournment:    Motion to adjourn at 10:36 by Eric Hedges, second by Sandi Mehl. Moton carries.