Cove Condo Association Present: Nancy Stull, Ken Russell and Marianne Shotwell Absent: Larry Kosterewa, Mark Simard Meeting was called to order by President Nancy Stull, at 9:05 am. Minutes from January have been posted to the Mariners Cove website. It was agreed by all to mark the minutes “unapproved” until all corrections have been made then the minutes would be marked “approved” on the final copy. February’s minutes were “approved” with changes. Nancy motioned, Ken 2nd, all in favor. Board accepted Deanne Stone Wright and Peter Vanderzalm as new Board members. Peter’s term will expire June 2005. Deanne’s term will expire June 2004. A big welcome and thank you for volunteering your time to help shape the future of Mariners Cove. It was restated for the record that the notebooks kept by each Board member are the property of the Association and are to be returned to the Board when a term expires. Portico replacements in Phase l have been tabled to explore other means and possibilities for correction of the problem. The Board will be contacting CC Rider and All Season’s for bidding purposes concerning spring-cleaning of the roofs, gutters, sidewalks and pressure washing. Ken is following up on hiring our handyman. Discussion took place regarding the applicants/bids for these years lawn care/maintenance needs. It was decided that J&J Landscape was best qualified and within our budget. Motion was made by Deanne and seconded by Marianne that we hire this firm. All in favor. Peter to extend the job offer and issued the start date. Two curbside driveway lights were knocked out of commission over the weekend. Peter volunteered to fix or replace. Ken reports security fencing installation is on schedule for this spring. At the time of this meeting, Bookkeeping Solutions had not received last months statement from the bank. Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Minutes prepared by acting Secretary, Marianne Shotwell. |