Minutes, March 17, 2012
President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Secretary/Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Board Members: Wayne Holverstott, Deanne Wright
Chris Urquhart, Katy Montfort
No guests present.
Call to Order: 9am.
Minutes were approved as presented. Chris 1st, Katy 2nd, passed.
Financial report was approved as presented. Chris 1st, Jim 2nd, passed.
Committee Reports:
1. Maintenance Update: Wayne presented a bid for roof cleaning, gutter work on Building II, pressure washing of side walks, driveway, gutter cleaning, moss removal. Bid of $7,800 +tax was discussed. It was decided Wayne would get at least one more bid for the work and notify the board members by E-mail. Motion to proceed was passed unless new bid brought up questions from any board member. Katy 1st Chris 2nd passed.
2. Grounds: Deanne reported. Prices for water sensors are being investigated so that the sprinklers do not run when watering is not needed. Iron has been applied to the lawns as we did last year. Corion Landscape Management Inc. has presented a quote of $4,075.18 +tax for mulch and labor to apply the mulch. Motion to authorize the mulch work was made. Carol 1st Wayne 2nd Passed.
3. Sales: Unit 256 in Building III has sold and will close on March 22nd.
Old Business
Carol reported the job description for maintenance employee is being drawn up. It will be presented for consideration at the next Board meeting.
New Business:
Preparations for the Association’s Annual Meeting was discussed. The packages for the owners containing information for the annual meeting are being prepared by Carol and Cathy. The first official notice announcing the meeting for June 2, 2012 at 9:15am in the club house was mailed to the owners on March 23rd.
There are four board positions open for election. Deanne Wright, Carol Hassebrock, Katy Montfort, and Chris Urquhart terms are completed. Carol and Deanne have agreed to let their names stand for re-election. Katy and Chris expressed their wishes to retire from the Board at the end of their terms. Nominations for all four positions may be sent to the Board or presented at the annual meeting. The Board expressed appreciation to Katy and Chris for their dedicated work on the Board during the last two years.
Adjournment: 10:30 am.
Carol Hassebrock, Secretary