March 16, 2013


President:                    Carol Hassebrock

Vice President:           Jim Morehouse

Secretary/Treasurer:   Kim Burgess/Wayne Holverstott


Board Member:          Chris Urquhart

                                    Deanne Wright


ABSENT:                   Cathy Tepel




Call to order by President Carol Hassebrock. 


GREET GUESTS:    Dan D Construction




MINUTES:     Motion to accept by Deanne.  2nd  by Chris.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:        Motion to accept by Chris. 2nd  by Kim. Approved.




Grounds:        Wayne presented bids for tree trimming and cutting away grass from posts outside building 2.


Fence at north end of parking lot does not belong to Mariner’s Cove.  It’s believed that pressure washing it will destroy it.  Suggestion to place live fence consisting of 54 5-6 foot trees at a cost of $4,600.00. 

Due to other expenses, project on hold at this time.


Maintenance: Wayne gave the following update:


-        CO detectors in building 3 outstanding.  Letter to be posted on door of remaining units to make arrangements to complete CO detector installation.


-        Bike shed roof needs to be cleaned.  Wayne will complete.


Dan D gave update on building 1:


-        Old cedar not primed on back during construction.  Moisture is coming through and causing the sheetrock to crumble on the south wall of the building. 


-        Cost estimate for south wall - $6,000.00 - $7,000.00


-        Suggestion to also begin to replace siding on the courtyard side of building 1 – some has already been replaced.


-        Dan will measure and provide a quote to Wayne for the next meeting.


Motion made by Chris to postpone the tree placement and resurfacing of parking lot and go ahead with the repairs on building 1 south wall.  2nd by Wayne. MC


Replacement of the remaining windows on hold due to cost of building repairs.








Carol has contacted the attorney and will meet by teleconference on Thursday with Chris.  Carol will provide update at next meeting.


Chamber of Commerce Meeting:


Chris and Carol represented Mariner’s Cove at the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce March meeting regarding the waterfront upgrade:


-        Ground breaking scheduled for the Fall of 2014


-        Utilities to be placed underground


-        Websites for information: and


-        No added parking


-        If we want the current parking gone, we have to bring it up now


-        Plan for restrooms, walkway and bike path


-        Various owners to be asked to release right of way


-        Roland Middleton, Whatcom County Engineering Department, is willing to meet with MCCA Board Members to walk property and discuss improvement project.  A date will be set for a walk through.




Discussion regarding the benefits of joining the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce,


Motion made by Wayne to join the Chamber of Commerce at a cost of $50.00 per year.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.



ADJOURNMENT:    10:30 AM.     

Next meeting April 20, 2013 at 9AM.






Kimberli Burgess, Acting Secretary