March 22, 2014


PRESIDENT:                       Cathy Tepel


VICE PRESIDENT:             Jim Morehouse


SECRETARY:                      Kim Burgess


TREASURER:                      Carol Hassebrock


BOARD MEMBERS:          Wayne Holverstott


ABSENT:                             Chris Urquhart

Deanne Wright


CALL TO ORDER:              9:00 AM


Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.


GUESTS:                             None.




MINUTES:                          Motion made by Wayne to approve the minutes as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Presented by Cathy.  Motion made by Kim to accept as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


PRESIDENTS REPORT:     Upcoming meetings open to the public:

Legal Meeting on April 26

Pool Maintenance meeting April 16

Fridge/Washer Replacements Program – Cathy has applied on behalf of all owners of buildings 1 and 2.




        Grounds:                    Mulching product has been paid for and will be applied by landscapers.                     



        Maintenance:           Wayne gave the following update:


-        Trench housing electrical to shed to be patched this month.


-        Lights have all been replaced as required.


-        Pictures of gutter hinging ideas presented.  Wayne will look into the cost.


Cathy advised that the fan in the pool maintenance room has quit.  This fan is required to keep the equipment cool.

Carol moved to replace that fan.  2nd by Wayne.  Approved. 


               Sales:                   No sales.


OLD BUSINESS:                Attorney and governing documents:


                                             Only 16 votes have been received to pass the Proposed Sixth Amendment.   Require 31 votes.  As deadline is March 25th, Cathy will send reminder emails to those owners who have not yet replied.


OTHER BUSINESS:           Discussion regarding finishing courtyard side of building 1, replacing balcony railings and resurfacing the driveway.


                                             Cathy will obtain a quote from Duane for completing painting.

                                             Wayne will contact Vandergriend to get a quote on the railing replacement and obtain an updated quote on resurfacing the driveway.  Goal is to have all project completed prior to AGM June 7th.


Motion to adjourn by Carol.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.


ADJOURNMENT:              10:20 am


Next meeting:                   April 19, 2014 at 9:00 am







Kimberli Burgess, Secretary