March 15, 2015


PRESIDENT:                       Cathy Tepel


VICE PRESIDENT:             Jim Morehouse


SECRETARY:                      Kim Burgess


TREASURER:                      Carol Hassebrock


BOARD MEMBERS:          Wayne Holverstott


ABSENT:                             Chris Urquhart

Carol Hassebrock

Kim Burgess


CALL TO ORDER:              9:00 AM call to order by President Cathy Tepel.


GUESTS:                             None.


CORRESPONDENCE:        2 emails.  1st Nancy regarding gutter, 2nd discussing smoking


MINUTES:                          Motion made by Wayne to approve the minutes as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Presented by Cathy.  Motion made by Deanne to accept as presented.  2nd by Jim.  Approved.


PRESIDENTS REPORT:     Flood in 212, being taken care of by owner

                                             Apology by owner

                                             New Desk given by owner





        Grounds:                    Management Lawn Services to start on March 1


        Maintenance:           Wayne gave the following update:


-        Need for replacing some cinderblocks on back wall.

-        Gutters on BLDG 3 rotting.

-        Gutters on swimming pool need reattachment.

-        Will take care of Nancy’s gutters


               Sales:                   207 has been bought by 237, 237 up for sale



OLD BUSINESS:                Bylaws tabled


                                             Windows need washing In Clubhouse, Cathy presented a bid for $120.   Deanne proposed we have the windows cleaned and Jim seconded. Approved.


NEW BUSINESS:               A bid for gutter repair was presented.  Wayne voted we replace the gutters and Deanne second them.  They need to be painted and Wayne is waiting for the painting bid before going ahead. Approved.


                                             Concern for recreation vehicles was addressed but tabled.


                                             Housekeeping hours will be increased by 1 hour per month.


                                             The information on Rental Procedures was approved and will be given to each owner at time of rental.  Deanne motioned we accept the Procedures, Wayne 2nd.  Approved.



EXECUTIVE MEETING:  Entered at 9:15 Owner Issues and Out of Executive meeting at 9:30. Issue tabled.


Motion to adjourn by Cathy.  2nd by Deanne.  Approved.



ADJOURNMENT:              10:20 am


Next meeting:                   April 18, 2015 at 9:00 am







Cathy Tepel acting for Kim Burgess Secretary