Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, March 17, 2018
Call to order: 9:00AM. Carol, Deanne, Chris, Tom, Eric
Greet Guests: Tim Lynch
Add agenda items from guests. None.
Minutes of February meeting as E-mailed. Chris motion to approve, Eric 2nd. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock.
Motion by Eric to provide a loan from building fund to general fund the amount of $2,000 for payment of legal fees to execute foreclosure against owner that is delinquent on their HOA dues. Chris, 2nd. Approved.
Chris move to approve 2016 audit report. Tom 2nd. Approved.
Chris motion to approve financial report as presented. Eric 2nd. Approved.
Grounds Report: Deanne Wright. Discussion re: Management NW Service and their schedule for what and when they are doing on the property. We are contracted with them until 2020.
Facilities Report: Wayne Holverstott and Tim Lynch. Finishing bike enclosure, shower doors in locker rooms, new phone line in the pool installed and working. Concern about renter that is idling car early in the morning with loud exhaust. Several residents have been awoken in the morning. May need to contact renter again and confirm that he is being respectful of his neighbors. Tim and Wayne to prioritize list of projects in old business below and provide a proposal to board for priorities.
Old Business:
1. Building 3 water damage and repair update.
2. Window replacement
3. Dryer vent cleaning
4. Discussion on priorities. Hire or in-house work? Etc. Presented at Feb. meeting. No action taken.
Building 1: 230 (Olson) water stains living room and over stairwell; leaking window inside small bedroom; refinish and paint stair risers and handrails on all units;
Building 2: #213,214 weeping under paint on landing outside wall and on second floor side wall facing south. 214, finish bay side deck paint. Extend downspout on driveway side/ parking lot end and add gravel along building.
Building 3: Down spouts on driveway side need lengthened so water doesn’t hit dirt and puddle; 248,249 replace flooring on top landing;
Cloudy windows: #255 Grenz living room balcony door; #247, Potts balcony door; #230 Olsen both living room patio door windows; #233 Henshaw, small bedroom window. Send out survey to all owners for window/door glass needs.
Other: Sidewalks leveled where dangerous; Cut tree roots to stop further sidewalk damage. Schedule two bids for dryer vent cleaning.
Gardens: Cut back siding on bottom of gardens where dirt meets siding board. Move dirt away from wall and add rocks in that space. Prune maples tree in front of #229 and in front of #244 and 245. Driveway clean-up throughout winter.
New Business:
1. Plan for annual meeting, June 2, 2018
2. Other
Chris motion for Adjournment, Tom 2nd. Approved. 11am
Next meeting April 14t