Mariners Cove Board Association Meeting

March 21, 2020

Skype Meeting


Call to Order: 9 am. Carol, Cathy, Chris, Stacey, Tim, Eric


Minutes as emailed.  Corrections?  Accept. Motion to accept by Tim, second by Chris. Approved.

Financial Reports: Per Carol’s email 2020-03-20. We have not been billed for the fire suppressant fix, nationwide will pay it when we receive. Motion to approve by Stacey, second by Chris. Approved.

Committee Reports:

Facilities and Grounds, Tim. #3 mailbox has been repaired, we now have 3 working cargo boxes. Tim is looking into more large boxes for large packages. Trees were trimmed and under budget. Gutters on building 2 have been replaced right at budget cost. Eric R. will do the drywall repairs hopefully within the next 30 days. Planning to do pressure washing soon, siding and sidewalks. Turning the pool heat down since it is closed, Tim will touch base with Nancy. Repairs on building 2 from flooding, 209 is completed, everything looks brand new and dry. Lawn service may need a tune up, Tim is going to refresh them with the contract. Pool roof is done on clubhouse and sportscourt, holding off until weather gets better to complete the pool.

Old Business:

Attorney,  Stacey, Cathy, and Carol met with condo attorney.  We’ll have a report on what we learned. Greg Thulin is attorney.

Progress of Bld. 2 repairs Wayne’s storage room. See Facilities report above.

Insurance report for reimbursement for damage from Bld 2 Jan. 17th incident. Motion by Chris, second by Stacey to authorize Carol to have attorney take next step. Approved.

Mail-boxes discussion. Cost for new set up with larger boxes would be approximately $5,000 to $7,000. This expenditure would have to be done by membership at annual meeting.

Nancy was not available to attend Whatcom County Health Department Class.

New Business:  


Annual Meeting on June 6th. Depending on virus situation will likely need to postpone. Determine next month.

Executive Meeting:

No action from executive session.

Adjournment:  10:20     Next Meeting April 18, 2020 at 9:00AM via Skype.