Mariners Cove Association Board March 20, 2021




Call to Order:  9 am


Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Carol Hassebrock, Chris Urquhart, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges


Guests: None


Correspondence: None


 Minutes: February minutes as e-mailed. Motion to approve as presented by Brooks, second by Chris. Approved.


 Financial Report: Carol presented via email 3/19/2021. Motion to approve as presented via email by Chris, second by Felecia. Approved. 


Old Business:


            Facilities and grounds report:  Ralph/Brooks

-          Lawn maintenance contract update. Group to convene via zoom on Monday 3/22 to discuss landscaping responsibilities with Management Services NW.

-          Handrail upgrade Bldg 1. Ralph is working on getting quotes.

-          Unit 212 patio door. Brooks to follow up with the tennant and assess the door condition.

-          Moss/Balcony glass


CCR rewrite update: Carol gave an update. Goal is to have something for presentation at annual meeting in June.


New Business: 

-          Pool Re-opening. We would like to be able to open the pool as soon as possible. Currently the guidance is phase 2 which we are unable to meet. Phase 3 requirements have not been published yet. Board agreed to leave the pool closed until we know we can meet phase 3 requirements.

-          Mail Box Repair/Replace. Motion by Carol to replace the mailboxes per option 2 as presented by Ralph (description and photo below) at a cost of about $4400 plus a potential for up to $1000 for installation labor, second by Chris. Approved. 


Mailbox replacement description: Replace all three boxes with new compliant boxes.  The cost of this option is $4400 including shipping and tax.  The existing structure would require modification, at a cost I reckon would be $500-1000.  There are a number of advantages to this option:

     The new boxes will meet the current postal regulations and are a better construction.

     All the boxes would be larger than existing and the layout allows for magazines and other mailings to be delivered without curling or bending.

     We would get 6 larger parcel boxes instead of the 3 we now have.


-          Annual Meeting. Currently scheduled for Saturday, June 5 2021via zoom.

-          Building fund assessment discussion. Do we want to increase the building fund assessment to cover the costs of future major projects? Should we do a reserve study to determine future expenses and are we covered for those? Ralph, Carol and Eric to form sub-committee to review and come up with an preliminary reserve study.


-          The board entered Executive Session at 10:54.

-          Executive Session ended at 11:08

-          Business actions from executive session:

-          Motion by Carol to set $50 as a nominal fee for the revision of an original resale certificate as allowed per RCW, second by Chris. Motion approved.

-          Motion by Carol to pay $112.50 to Wayne Holverstott for the labor to repair  the damaged ramp to the shed, second by Jamie. Motion approved.

Good of the community:

Pickleball court. Brooks to research nets and prices, storage.

Brooks still looking at an AED.


Next meeting: April 17


Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn at 11:26 by Eric, second by Felecia. Approve.