Mariners Cove Association Board March
20, 2021
Call to Order: 9 am
Attendees: Ralph
Tepel, Carol Hassebrock, Chris Urquhart, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Brooks
Friedland, Eric Hedges
Guests: None
Correspondence: None
February minutes as e-mailed. Motion to approve as presented by Brooks,
second by Chris. Approved.
Report: Carol presented via email 3/19/2021. Motion to
approve as presented via email by Chris, second by Felecia. Approved.
Old Business:
Facilities and grounds report: Ralph/Brooks
Lawn maintenance
contract update. Group to convene via zoom on Monday 3/22 to discuss
landscaping responsibilities with Management Services NW.
Handrail upgrade Bldg 1. Ralph is working on getting quotes.
Unit 212 patio
door. Brooks to follow up with the tennant and assess
the door condition.
Moss/Balcony glass
rewrite update: Carol gave an update.
Goal is to have something for presentation at annual meeting in June.
New Business:
Pool Re-opening.
We would like to be able to open the pool as soon as possible. Currently the
guidance is phase 2 which we are unable to meet. Phase 3 requirements have not
been published yet. Board agreed to leave the pool closed until we know we can
meet phase 3 requirements.
Mail Box
Repair/Replace. Motion by Carol to replace the mailboxes per option 2 as
presented by Ralph (description and photo below) at a cost of about $4400 plus
a potential for up to $1000 for installation labor, second by Chris. Approved.
Mailbox replacement description: Replace all three boxes with
new compliant boxes. The cost of this
option is $4400 including shipping and tax.
The existing structure would require modification, at a cost I reckon
would be $500-1000. There are a number
of advantages to this option:
● The new boxes will meet
the current postal regulations and are a better construction.
● All the boxes would be
larger than existing and the layout allows for magazines and other mailings to
be delivered without curling or bending.
● We would get 6 larger
parcel boxes instead of the 3 we now have.
Annual Meeting.
Currently scheduled for Saturday, June 5 2021via zoom.
Building fund
assessment discussion. Do we want to increase the building fund assessment to
cover the costs of future major projects? Should we do a reserve study to
determine future expenses and are we covered for those? Ralph, Carol and Eric
to form sub-committee to review and come up with an
preliminary reserve study.
The board entered
Executive Session at 10:54.
Executive Session
ended at 11:08
Business actions
from executive session:
Motion by Carol
to set $50 as a nominal fee for the revision of an original resale certificate
as allowed per RCW, second by Chris. Motion approved.
Motion by Carol
to pay $112.50 to Wayne Holverstott for the labor to repair the damaged ramp to the shed, second
by Jamie. Motion approved.
Good of the
Pickleball court. Brooks to research nets and prices,
Brooks still looking at an AED.
Next meeting: April 17
Adjournment: Motion to
adjourn at 11:26 by Eric, second by Felecia. Approve.