Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2023   9:00am  Zoom


Call to Order:  9 am via Zoom  Board Members:  Ralph, Jamie, Brooks, Felecia, Eric, Steve,  (Carol)

Greet guests:  Don, John, Minda, Chris


Minutes of February 24, 2023 and March 11 budget presentation as emailed


Financial Report as emailed.  Felecia presented.

Financials Approved:  Steve made motion.  Jamie 2nd.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Brooks Friedland

*Brooks will get quotes for  parking lot evaluation/cost of repair.  Date:  ?

*Brooks noted that Bldg 3 has decks/railings that need to be painted.

*Carol is looking into which building needs painted next; to report back.

*Don noted that his units’ railing is not secure and needs repair.

*Minda noted that her deck is deteriorating.

*John noted that his deck beam is in need of repair.

*Chris noted that her deck is in need of cleaning of moss.

*Ralph noted that water sounds heard from Chris’ unit are not in need of repair…due to work already being done that will fix the problem.

*On March 25 Chris and Ralph will be entering units to check decks.  An email will be sent ahead of time.

*Top steps in Units 231, 232, 233, 236, 238 are being repaired.  Conversation with  the contractor about cleaning up at day’s end was noted.  Repairs are still in process.

*John said that he had a conversation with the contractor about his lock/door repair on his storage unit; contractor apparently said it would be taken care of while Derrick is here.  Board needs to approve.

*Ralph noted that a solution for the trash gate issue is being worked on.  

*John noted the numerous drain and gutters on the site that are not functional.  Rerouting may be the only solution.  Gutter repair will be called.


 Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder

*Winter care service is ending and Spring care service is beginning.  Our contract is up in March and will need to be renewed.  There will be little cost difference.


Old Business:

            *Trees impacting views – Don Graham   Don said he had a letter that he will get out from the board by the end of the week.  Brooks is contacting Don with names for Tree Care contractors.

            *Update sprinkler break Building 3  The bids are considerably higher than expected for December sprinkler break.  Bids coming in for units 252, 240 flooring.

Minor mold repair for Eric’s unit.

*Sprinkler system freezing problem - Eric   Nothing new to report.                                                                                                

            *Building 1, Roof Repair, Ralph   Nolan Roofing coming out for repair on March 23 for unit 232.  They will inspect all flat roofs while they are here.

            *Administrative Position–The budget was already approved for this position.  A job description was presented prior to today.  Position was voted on with Eric making a motion to move forward and Brooks 2nd.  Felecia will begin position next week.  

Annual Meeting:  Ralph will send a “save the date,” invitation by next week.  Carol and Felecia will work on a formal letter to send. 


New Business

*May clean up day:  Board agreed on May 20th being a community work day.  Ralph and Felecia will work on a list of jobs needed.  Brooks is buying Moss Removal, Wet and Forget.  We have a flower budget of 300.00 (plus 200.00 due to a generous donation.)

*WSCAI membership–Board discussed the benefits of belonging to this organization and approved membership for one board member.  Agreement to send a board member plus an owner to an upcoming event on legal issues for condominiums.

*4th of July:  Board discussion about hiring a security team or utilizing community members for the monitoring of traffic into our building.  It was decided to utilize community members as this has worked well in the past.

*Mini-Split retrofit Heat Pump request.  Considerable conversation about the pros and cons of this kind of request.  There were considerations of long term damage, noise, precedent for other structural changes, and numerous other thoughts.  Jamie made a motion that we do not allow this request to proceed.   2nd by Felecia. Motion approved. 

*Vehicle Charge Station:  Offer from PSE to be considered and requested.  Steve will continue research on the topic.  Initial concerns about whether the actual unit is covered and security. 

*Ratification of Storage Unit Policy:  Some modifications made.

Steve made a motion to pass.  Felecia 2nd.  Motion approved.


Executive Session:  11:10

*Clubhouse cleaner is resigning because of distance.   A current owner/employee of the Association has applied for the cleaning position.   Board approved hiring Dave Sutton for this positon. 

No other business

Next Board Meeting on April 15 led by Jamie in Ralph’s absence.


Adjourned:  Motion to adjourn by Steve.  2nd by Felecia

Meeting adjourned at 11:35