Mariner’s Cove Condo Association

April 16, 2011



President:                    Cathy Tepel

Vice President:            Jim Morehouse

Secretary/Treasurer:    Carol Hassebrock

Board Members:         Wayne Holverstott,

                                    Chris Urgrat,

                                    Deanne Wright,

                                    Katy Montfort  (absent)



Call to Order:  9:00 am


Correspondence:  Three letters were read concerning:  1. Gutter cleaning; 2.  Pool temperature;  3. Painting needs on a landing.  (The gutters are scheduled to be cleaned.  The pool temperature will be explained to the owner.  Painting needs will be addressed this spring when other scheduled painting takes place.  The correspondence will be answered by Cathy Tepel.


Minutes from March meeting were read and approved.


Financial Statements and Reports were discussed and approved.


Old Business:


Maintenance:  Wayne reported the gutters have been cleaned, pressure washing and painting continue. Pool skylight removal has been postponed.  Driveway lights structure will be improved so they are not so easily broken.  Wiring for electricity for the storage shed and wiring for the telephone and computer systems in the Association office are scheduled to be complete in May.


Lawn Maintenance:  Deanne reported that Corin Lawncare was on board and generally we are pleased with the way the grounds look.


Side walk removal was discussed.  At the annual homeowners meeting in June 2010, the membership present authorized the board to proceed with the removal of the sidewalk and the seeding or soding of the area.  The concern was for liability as the large tree roots have caused the asphalt to heave and create several serious trip hazards.  Bike and skate board jumpers use the asphalt upheavals to jump and several falls have been observed.

A bid to remove the asphalt for $2,900 was approved by the Board.  M. Wayne, S. Deanne.  MC. 6-0


The board discussed seeding or soding.  Cathy will get estimates on each proposal.




New Business:


Annual meeting set for June 4, 2011.  Members were given first notice of the meeting time and date with the second quarter invoices.  Information packets for members will be mailed to all owners the third week in May. Board members whose terms are expiring are Wayne Holverstott, Jim Morehouse, Cathy Tepel.  The incumbents agreed to let their names stand for re-election.



Meeting adjourned:  11:30 am


Next meeting May 21, 2011.





Carol Hassebrock  Secretary