April 16, 2016

President:                           Cathy Tepel

Vice President:                 Jim Morehouse

Secretary:                           Kim Burgess

Treasurer:                           Carol Hassebrock

Board Members:              Wayne Holverstott

                                                Chris Urquhart

                                                Deanne Wright

Absent:                                                Jim Morehouse

CALL TO ORDER:               9:05 AM

                                                Call to order by Cathy Tepel.

GUESTS:                               None.


MINUTES:                           Motion made by Kim to accept the minutes of the meeting held January 21, 2016.  2nd by Wayne.  Approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT:       Motion made by Chris to approve capitol project budget for 2016.  2nd by Deanne.  Approved.


Presidents Report:          Missing minutes:  copy of missing minutes provided by Kim and will be added to the book.

                                                Leak:  occurred within upper unit.  Clarification needed as to who is responsible to pay for the repairs.

                                                Basketball net:  Recently repaired net damaged by hanging on the rim.

                                                Thank you received from owner regarding the pool repairs.

                                                New signs for the pool brought in by Chris.  To be installed by Wayne.

Maintenance:                   Building 2 has moss growing on the north end of the building.  Moss will be cleaned when the gutters are cleaned.  Cathy will present bids at the next board meeting.

                                                Down spouts are clogged on Building 3.  Motion made by Carol to install elbows in downspouts to alleviate water backup.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.

                                                Gutters have been installed on the shed – need to be painted.

                                                Rails will be painted as weather permits.

Grounds:                             Request to edge gardens versus tripping with the weed eater.  Deanne will advise the gardeners to edge the gardens and use weed eater against the fence area by the garbage area. 

Deanne will obtain a bid to clean the area by the garbage by applying weed killer and top up with rocks.  Bid also to be obtained to top dress the bark mulch at the front of the property.

Wayne will contact asphalt company regarding cleaning up the mess left behind when parking lot resurfaced.

SALES:                                   3 Unit have sold.

OLD BUSINESS:                 Swimming pool:  finished

                                                Pans and hoses:  tabled

                                                Bylaws:  tabled

                                                Annual Meeting:  June 4, 2016 – Carol is working on owner’s package.  Wayne will pick up refreshments for the meeting.

                                                Fence bid:  Presented by Cathy.  Motion by Kim to use Northwest Fence to replace fence at the north end of the property at a cost of $982.30.  2nd by Carol.  Approved.

NEW BUSINESS:               Windows need replacing in unit in Building 3.  Wayne will contact window company to have replaced.

                                                Balcony floor in unit in Building 2 – boards are cracked and need replacing.  Wayne will contact Dan to repair.

                                                New vacuum needed for the clubhouse.  Cathy will purchase.

Motion to adjourn made by Chris.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.

ADJOURNMENT:              11:15

NEXT MEETING:                May 21, 2016