Mariners Cove Board Agenda
April 22, 2017
Call to order: 9:05 am by Carol Hasselbrock
Board Members Present: Carol, Deanne, Chris, Wayne, Tom, Eric
Welcome Guests: Tim Lynch and Sharon
Reviewed Correspondence
Minutes of March, 2017. Deanne motion to approve, Wayne 2nd.
Financial Report: Carol. Eric motion to approve, Chris 2nd.
Committee Reports:
Facilities and Maintenance: Wayne—discussion re: electrical problems 237 (Tom Street) 239 (Marianne Dillion). Could be outdoor GFI outlet cover is open allowing moisture to enter.
Deck surface damage from firecracker 239 (Dillion), paint stripe where curb was removed.
Motion by Wayne, Eric 2nd to write letter to owner who placed basketball hoop in sport court. It is in disrepair and needs to be removed. If the owner does not remove, Wayne will remove at owner’s expense.
Wayne is working on pressure washing the sidewalks.
Light fixture outside 253 needs to have lamp replaced. Completed.
Board discussed issues with drain pipe from property above. Might need direct contact with property manager and possibly take other actions.
Grounds: Deanne. Landscaping is not properly cleaning flower beds. Difficult for them to blow out the parking lots on Fridays due to parked cars. Deanne is in conversation with landscaper and will possibly ask them to make additional visits.
Sales: Unit 223, Bldg 2, Musselwhite, pending
Old Business:
1. Water damage in 248 and 253 units. Information on restoration, insurance, payment etc. This project is proceeding. Thanks to Carol for your tireless efforts in getting this done!
2. Soap, toilet paper dispensers, seal on shower door, etc. Motion by Chris, Tom 2nd for Eric to procure soap and TP dispensers and submit costs for reimbursement.
3. Scupper problems. Research solutions? Board member take the responsibility? Tim Lynch volunteered to take this task on and the board authorized him to contact Centsible directly. Thanks Tim!
4. Other
New Business:
1. Thefts, discussion on beefing up security. Options, etc. Board discussed option for increasing security. Possible sliding gate at driveway, additional cameras, etc.
2. Research ownership of beach as per Martha Holverstott letter.
3. Organize keys to units. Sharon volunteered to assist with this task as well as various clerical tasks such as rentals, vehicle and pet registrations. Thanks Sharon!
4. Annual meeting, June 3 Board positions ending, Wayne, Cathy, Eric (served out Jim’s term.)
Organize meeting…. Deanne to take on registrations. Wayne to provide cookies. Carol to send letter to owners advising of annual meeting date and time.
5. Motion to Chris, Wayne 2nd to accept Cathy’s resignation from the board. Thank you to Cathy for your efforts in improving our community!
6. Motion by Wayne, Chris 2nd for Tom to take Cathy’s position as board VP for the balance of her term.
Adjournment: 11:38 Next meeting May 6th to plan annual meeting.