Mariners Cove Association Regular Board Meeting

Minutes, April 20, 2019

Meet at 9 am

                Plan for board to walk property and facilities to determine repair and maintenance needs and possible projects for 2019 – 2020. Board decided walk wasn’t necessary at this time.

Call to Order: 9:30 am. Tim, Stacey, Tom, Chris, Carol, Cathy, Eric

                Greet Guests. Ralph Tepel.

                Add agenda items from guests. None.


Minutes of March 23 meeting as emailed earlier. Chris motion to accept minutes, Stacey second. Approved.


Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Chris move to accept financial report as presented, Cathy second. Approved.  

Sales Report:  Cathy Tepel           

Grounds Report and Facilities Report:  Tim Lynch

                Pressure washing,  Barking scheduled for April 23rd;  Basketball post has been removed, tree roots have been cut where they are impacting sidewalk, building 2 pressure washing completed where moss has grown; paint will be touched up, sprinkler building may need some roofing or additional care, downspouts will be reconnected, building 1 steps to be pressure washed and hardware checked and replaced if necessary, trees in the dog area to be removed to be bid out, tree at south end of building 2 has been trimmed excessively; board discussed removing it completely as it may not recover and is unsightly, car with flat tires has been moved and is being sold.



Old Business:    

1.       Action from facilities/grounds report if necessary. Tim motion to have landscaper remove building 2 unsightly tree at their expense with replacement options TBD, Eric second. Approved.

2.       By-laws and policy update Tabled    

3.       Welcome Committee Tabled                              

4.       Security System, Ralph Tepel. Stacey motion to get a proposal from a professional security system installer for design and installation of a system, Eric second. Approved.


New Business:

1.       Accept with reluctance Tom Street’s resignation with thanks for service to the Association. Motion by Eric, Crhis second to elect Cathy Tepel to replace Tom as Board Vice-president. Approved.

2.       Contract with new person for clubhouse cleaning. Tabled.

3.       Cathy, Stacey, Carol to attend Condo law workshop.  Motion by Eric, second by Chris to reimburse for registration at a cost of $109 each + mileage for driver. Approved.

4.       Motion by Eric, second by Cathy to change bank signers.  Tom Street has resigned from Board effective, April 30th.  New signers:  Carol Hassebrock, Stacey Famellos, Chris Urquhart, Cathy Tepel. Approved.

5.       Discuss future projects and prioritize matters noted during walk around complex.

6.       June 1st annual association meeting plans. 

7.       Other


Executive Session:  To discuss personnel matters.  To discuss legal matters.  5 minutes


Out of Executive Session:  Action from executive session.


Motion by Chris, second by Stacey to increase all maintenance personnel compensation to $25/hour. Approved.


Motion by Cathy, second by Eric to approach Ian (waterslide guy) about becoming an employee at $25/hr for when he needs to cover for Nancy on doing the pool chemistry. Approved.


Adjournment:  10:30 am

                                       Next meeting, May 25th?