Mariners Cove Association Board April 17, 2021
Call to Order: 9 am
Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Chris Urquhart, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Carol Hassebrock, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges
Correspondence: None
Minutes: March minutes as e-mailed. Motion to approve March minutes as presented by Chris, second by Felecia. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol. Motion to approve financial report as presented via email by Felecia, second by Jamie. Approved.
Old Business:
Facilities and grounds report: Ralph/Brooks
- Lawn maintenance contract update. Zoom meeting with lawn maintenance contractor to review expectations. Sign off sheet created for tasks to be completed each week reviewed weekly by Jamie.
- Handrail upgrade Bldg 1 . Bid from Jordan to do 14 handrails came in at $7,200. Quote requested from Jensen Lee. Another request from another contractor who is too busy. Ralph purchased two handrails from Promenade for $360 and installed as test fit. Felecia and Brooks thought they looked good. Cost to complete all that need to be replaced in building 1 will be about $2,000. Motion by Carol to replace the (12) handrails that have been identified in building 1, as proposed by Ralph, with a cost not to exceed $3,000 without further approval. Second by Chris. Approved.
- Moss/Balcony glass. Quote from Prismatic for about $2,000 to remove moss however they had some issues with the chemicals that might impact their ability to perform work. Ralph reached out to NW Professionals but their bid is $7,000 which is our entire maintenance budget. Ralph thought about doing a work party with all owners who were willing to participate. Felecia will set up a work weekend for all interested owners and renters. Glass balconies, fascia and gutters, ground floor patios, downspouts. Felecia proposed May 1st and will set up a supply list.
- Mail Box Replace. Board agreed to go with Silver Speck color. Motion by Carol based on revised quote for mailboxes, the board authorizes an additional $1,200 above the $4,400 approved in March for a total of $5,600 plus $500-$1,000 for install labor for the mailbox procurement. Second by Chris. Approved.
CCR rewrite update: Carol gave an updated on CCR rewrite. Attorney is short staffed and not able to respond in a timely manner. Carol received a rough draft on the CCR’s on Friday the 16th and Ralph or Carol have not had time to review yet. Carol’s advice to the board is that the revised CCR’s will not be ready for the annual meeting and will require a special meeting to present to the owners. Carol to distribute electronic files for the board to review.
Annual Meeting: June 5th at 10AM via zoom. Carol volunteered to put together packet for owners.
Building Fund: Previous reserve study issued to the board. We need to put together a list of upcoming projects to be included in the capital reserves. Re-visit in May.
New Business:
- Pool Re-opening. Ralph will talk with Nancy and see what she can contribute to reopening plan. There are some people using the pool even though it is closed and not licensed to be used. Ralph discussed additional signage that the pool is closed and an email reminder that the pool is closed and we are not able to comply with pool opening requirements. Ralph will send a letter to the specific party that is violating the pool closure.
- Motion by Carol to allocate $200 for plants for front sign area. Second by Brooks. Approved.
- Motion by Carol to allocate $20 for welcome gift to new residents. Second by Eric. Approved.
- Executive Session – Resident issues
Other business:
Motion by Felecia to authorize Ralph to pursue issue with tenant with condo owner. Second by Brooks. Approved.
Next meeting…May 15 at 9:00AM
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 11:37AM by Eric. Second by Jamie. Approved.