Mariners Cove Board Minutes

April 30, 2022


Board Members present:  Ralph Tepel, president;  Jamie Ponder, vice-president;  Carol Hassebrock, secretary/treasurer;  Brooke Friedland, Steve Wimbush, Sandi Mehl, board members (Felecia Sutton absent for personal reasons)


Guests present:  Lavonne Roosendall, Martha/Wayne Holverstott, Cathe Weeks, John Kohlman


Call to Order:  9:05  via Zoom


Minutes approved as emailed.  Sandi moved; Jamie seconded.  MC


Financial Statement approved as emailed.  Steve moved; Jamie seconded.  MC


Committee Reports: 

Brooks reported on different projects both big and small that need addressed.  It was decided to have the Board join Brooks for a fact-finding tour of the complex on Sunday, May 1, at 10 am.  The purpose is to determine items that need attention and to set priorities and estimate costs.  Report will be given at the May Board meeting in preparation for the Annual meeting June 4.

 Jamie reported on the grounds maintenance with the new contractor, Windwood Landscaping.  The grounds people just started so Jamie will have more to report on the next meeting as to expectations and performance.  An owner was concerned about a tree she felt was dead.  Jamie will work with the grounds crew to see if trimming would improve the tree’s appearance.


Old Business:

 Ralph reported on the meeting with Birch Bay Water and Sewer management and the district’s insurance adjuster concerning engineering solutions to correct the damage caused by the sewer pipes filling with ground water and causing water to back up into our buildings.  Present at the meeting were Ralph Tepel and Brooks Friedland, Mariners Cove Board; Jason Barney, Water and Sewer district insurance adjuster; and Corey (last name unknown) and Mike Sowers from the Water and Sewer District.  More meetings with Birch Bay Water and Sewer will be pursued. 

Ralph gave an update on the repairs and progress of both the flood damage and the broken pipes.

Steve led a discussion on Reserve Study companies.  The pros and cons of such a study were discussed at length.  A decision was made by the Board to not pursue a reserve study at this time. 

Steve led a discussion on the need to increase the funds in the Reserve Fund.  Motion by Jamie, seconded by Sandi to table till a later date any decision on what is an adequate Reserve Fund Balance and how to assess to meet the need.   MC

Pool condensation was discussed.  Upon the Whatcom County Department of Health strong recommendation to not cover the pool and hot tub with a solar blanket because of entrapment concerns, the Board voted at an earlier meeting to not use solar blankets.  Having the pool and hot tub uncovered has upset the environment in the pool/hot tub area.  The condensation is considerable and will cause damage quickly if not remedied.  Steve reported his research on alternative covers has shown such solid covers that will support a person would cost in the upwards of $30,000.  The board decided to have Nancy work with the temperature of the water and the temperature of the air to see if condensation can be reduced. 



            The flood insurance has a $25,000 deductible and the frozen pipe insurance has a $10,000 deductible.  The Association’s CCRs directs the Board to assess all owners evenly for deductible costs. 

Steve motioned, Brooks seconded to assess each condo unit owner $491.00 for the $25,000 flood insurance deductible. MC. 

Steve motioned, Brooks seconded to assess each condo unit owner $197.00 for the frozen pipe $10,000 deductible.  MC.

It will be explained at the annual meeting how owners may be able to make claims for the $197.00 assessment from their personal insurance company.  Owners will be encouraged to claim the $491.00 flood assessment too. That claim may be denied depending on individual policies.


May 21st will be a community clean-up day.  Felecia will be asked if she wants to chair this project.  Details will be sent to all owners by email.


Annual meeting planned for June 4 at 9:30 am.  The Board decided to hold the meeting on Zoom again this year.  Carol will put together the owners’ packets concerning the meeting.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:  15 minutes to discuss insurance pay outs.

Out of executive session at 11:25. No action from executive session.


Adjournment:  11:30  Next meeting May 14th


Submitted:  Carol Hassebrock, Secretary