Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2024   9:00 am  Zoom


Call to Order:  9:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Kathleen Ashburn, Steve Wimbush, Ralph Tepel, Jamie Ponder, Eric Hedges, Carol Hassebrock

Greet guests: Tom Scally, Johnathan Kohlman, Don Graham, Cathe Weeks, Glenn Bailes, Tom Bakken


Minutes of March 30, 2024 Board Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve March 2024 board minutes by Steve Wimbush, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion approved.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve financial report as emailed by Ralph Tepel, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion approved.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Leak in 248 is repaired by Nolan Roofing, Derek has opened the ceiling and not found wet insulation. Ceiling left open and moisture readings taken. Ceiling has been closed and the project is complete. There was moisture in the storage unit but we have heated the storage and the moisture limits have come down to acceptable limits.

Unit 213 deck is complete except for some paint on siding.

Unit 226 new light being installed due to 232 freezing event.

Cathe Weeks gave an update on driveway lighting.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. New provider has started, this Thursday was their second full servicing of the property. Ralph has received positive comments from owners. Irrigation start up is coming up soon. Mulch needs to be updated. 


Old Business:

            Letter to BBW&S. Risk pool has acknowledged receipt of our letter and is following up.

            Treasurer Vacancy- Tabled

            BBQs. Reminder letter sent to owners. Ralph to ask Dennis or John to follow through on policy.

            May 18th Clean up. Cathe, Jamie and Felecia are meeting to come up with a to do list.


New Business

            Home Show. Ralph attended and came up with a few contacts for roof repair and replacement. Ralph has someone coming out to give a bid for painting.  Ralph also looked at mini split heat pumps.

            June Annual Meeting. Carol is spearheading putting out the information to the owners with assistance from other board members.

            Reserve Study. Steve has a quote from Association Reserves for $2,140 for reserve study update with site visit. In the March meeting the board approved to move forward with this.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 7:00PM.


Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn at 10:11AM by Eric Hedges, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion carries.