MAY 15, 2004

Present:  Nancy Stull, Mark Simard, Marianne Shotwell, Ken Russell,
               Peter Vanderzalm, Larry Kosterewa
Absent:   Deanne Wright

Meeting convened at 9:45 am, Nancy Stull Presiding

1.April 17, 2004 minutes were reviewed and approved by the Board.  Motioned by Nancy, 2nd by Ken.  Vote was unanimous.  The General Meeting to be held June 5, 2004.

2. Ingrid Lundgren, homeowner of Unit 249 was welcomed to the meeting. Ingrid suggested that someone should organize a Mariners Cove Condominium work party for once a month cleanup.  This will be put on the agenda of the General Meeting.  She also asked about the security fence status.  Ken stated the materials for the fence are due on May 22, 2004 and construction should start the week of May 24, 2004.

3.Old Business: – Portico Roofs. The Board decided to hold off on repairs for now and discuss this at the general session on June 5/04.

4. Reviewed budget

5. Proposed to put in yard maintenance contract with J & J Lawn and Landscape Maintenance to clean parking lot area and paved area for $100, as required.

6. New Business:  Pool window – leave as is for now.

7. Treasurer’s Report:  Mark to talk to our bookkeeper and give her direction on showing our budget report as was done in the past, prior to her taking over.

8. Recycle representative to give presentation at General Meeting.

9. Volunteers are desperately required on the Board to assist in managing Mariners Cove Complex.

10. Set agenda for June meeting.

11. Peter reviewed contract with Brian “All Seasons Windows & Gutters”
                Sidewalks Phase1&2 and Clubhouse -  $600
                Roof Moss & Gutters Phase l -            $225
                Roof Moss & Gutters Phase 2
                (Back Only)                                       - $225
                Clubhouse                                           - $250
                                                                Total: $1,300

This money is to come from the lawn care maintenance cut in the fall.  Peter to ask Brian to paint 5 new boards on Marianne’s unit that were put up during repairs.

12. June General Meeting to convene at 9:00 am on June 5, 2004.
      June 5/04 Board Meeting to start at 8:00am.

Motion to adjourn by Peter,
2nd by Marianne
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm

Larry Kosterewa, Secretary