May 23, 2015


President:                           Cathy Tepel


Vice President:                 Jim Morehouse


Secretary:                           Kim Burgess


Treasurer:                           Carol Hassebrock


Board Members:              Wayne Holverstott

                                                Chris Urquhart

                                                Deanne Wright


ABSENT:                               Carol Hassebrock

Deanne Wright


CALL TO ORDER:               9:00 AM


Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.


GUESTS:                               None.




MINUTES:                           Motion made by Wayne to approve the minutes as presented.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Presented by Cathy.  Motion made by Kim to accept as presented.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.




        Grounds:                     Planting has been completed and sprinklers repaired.  A few more sprinklers need attention.  Deanne will follow up with gardeners.


        Maintenance:           Wayne gave the following update:


-          Garbage area has been cleaned up and repainted.


-          LED Lights have all been installed.


-          Chemical for moss has been applied.  Building 2 still to be done.


-          Cathy obtained a bid in the amount of $2,500.00 to have all the roofs and gutters cleaned and have screens installed on all the gutters and downspouts.  Dwayne suggests this wait until the Fall.  Bid postponed until the Fall.


-          Jim reports a leak in the sprinkler head in his bathroom.  No alarm activated.  Cathy will contact Guardian Security to attend and repair.


-          Front sign has been painted.


-          Gas pipes rusting.  Cascade gas advise they will not attend so Wayne will repaint them.


-          Water damaging blacktop around the shed.  Recycled gutters will be added to the shed to prevent further erosion.


                Sales:                    No sales.


OLD BUSINESS:                 By-laws tabled.


                                                Annual Meeting plans finalized. 


                                                Cathy will speak to cleaner to have clubhouse cleaned prior to meeting.


NEW BUSINESS:               Cleaning of clubhouse discussed.  Cathy proposed that a clean-up checklist be prepared and posted in the kitchen as a reminder for users.  Also proposed that owners/renters be re-billed should follow up cleaning be required.  All in agreement.


                                                Owners will be reminded of the rules regarding garbage/recycling and parking at the AGM.  The Association has been charged for misuse of garbage/recycling bins.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT:    The Association has received two bills for pool closures and inspection.


Motion to adjourn by Kim.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.


ADJOURNMENT:              9:35 am


Next meeting:                   June 6, 2015 following AGM







Kimberli Burgess, Secretary