Mariners Cove Association Board May 16, 2020




Call to Order:  9 am. Carol, Cathy, Chris, Stacey, Tim, Eric


Guests: Jamie Ponder, Sharon Tucker


Correspondence:  Letter from Stacey Famellos. They have sold their unit and she is resigning from the board effective May 16, 2020.


April 2020 Minutes:  As emailed earlier. Motion to approve by Chris, second by Stacey. Approved.


Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock

Deposit Account  $6,345.00

General Account  $16,153.48

Capital Reserve Account  $70,507.03

Insurance Reserve   $39,015.21


The pool roof will be replaced as soon as roofing businesses are allowed to open again.  That will be about $12,500 out of the Capital Reserve.


We also have approximately 4 blown patio windows to replace totaling about $5,000.


Unit 223 door may need maintenance. Tim will take a look at it and will come up with a recommendation.


The other big expense is the power washing which will come out of the general fund. 


I paid painting for building I stairways and clubhouse social room and kitchen out of the general fund.  We may have to change the painting to come from the Capital Reserve and reimburse the general fund.  I am waiting for a budget vs expense report to see what is the best place for the painting expenditure to be charged.  


Motion by Cathy, second by Chris to accept financial report as presented. Approved.


Old Business:

            Facilities and Grounds Report:  Tim Lynch

Bldg 1 stairs pressure washed and painted, clubhouse upgrades have been about $3500 for paint and lights and carpet cleaning.

Bldg 1 has three units with water damage near stairs, Tim is having these repaired on Monday.

Today Tim is looking at roofs for damage due to large rainfall.

Pressure washing starting on Monday.

Landscapers will do a better job, they have reduced crew due to virus.

An owner would like to do some gardening, we may want to give them a $100 budget to get some plants for around the sign. The landscape company does not always meet expectations on the sign planting.

Discussion re: trimming rhodies.

Carol would like to review landscape contract with Tim to make sure we are getting what we paid for.

Jamie Ponder asked about notification to owners or rentals when pressure washing will take place. Will there be opportunity to move personal items on balconies and patios. Balconies and patios are not common area and not washed by the association. Association only does walkways and common areas. Back stairs are also responsibility of owners.

Thank you to Tim for all the work on the clubhouse and in the community.

Crack in pool concrete has been repaired.

            Discussion and Action on grounds report, if any. None


New Business:

Motion by Tim to elect Chris as treasurer, second by Cathy. Approved.


Appoint person(s) to take care of rentals, doggie park, welcome person. Motion by Chris, second by Tim to authorize Carol to approach an owner to do this. Approved.


Insurance discussion. We will require condo owners to have insurance that will cover associations’s $10,000 deductible. Jamie noted that it is a good idea to put a narrative in layman’s terms what individual insurance requirements are needed. Jamie noted that it would be a good idea to have a representative from our insurance company at the annual meeting.


Motion by Tim, second by Cathy to require each owner to have adequate coverage to meet the association’s deductible for a claim that the owner is responsible for, association’s deductible is currently at $10,000.  Motion approved.


Report from Henshaw in building 1 that they have mice in their unit. Carol would like to have Biobug to put traps out.


An owner would like to maintain garden on south side of building 2 if nobody is doing it.


Next meeting June 20 at 9:00AM via Teams electronic?  


Adjournment:  Motion by Eric to adjourn at 10:25 am, second by Chris. Approved.