Mariners Cove Condominium Association
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2023 7:30 pm Zoom
Call to Order: 7:30 pm via Zoom
Attendees: Steve Wimbush, Felecia Sutton, Ralph Tepel, Carol Hassebrock, Jamie Ponder, Sandi Mehl, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges
Greet guests: Katy Montfort, Rick Turko,
Minutes of March 18, 2023 meeting. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, Felecia Sutton second. Motion carries.
March 11 budget presentation as emailed. Motion to approve by Eric Hedges, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion carries.
Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve financial report as presented by Steve Wimbush, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion carries.
Committee Reports:
Facilities: Brooks Friedland. Unit 231 entrance had rot which caused the door to sag and not close properly. Cost was $1250. Rot removed and replaced, vinyl was able to be reused. Unit 232 roof leak damage repaired for about $600. Roof repair was about $400. Unit 233 storage room door has been repaired.
Lawn/grounds: Jamie Ponder. Irrigation start up within the next couple weeks. Dead or dying shrubs, look into replacing them on our own which will be better from a cost standpoint. Organic material can be removed by landscapers. Brooks will get a price for root removal of plants that are removed.
Old Business:
Trees impacting views – Don Graham. Tabled.
Update sprinkler break Building 3.
Sprinkler system freezing problem.
Annual Meeting, June 3 at 9:30AM.
May Clean up day.
Vehicle Charge Station.
New Business
Grounds contract renewal. A modest increase over the last contract, around $50/month.
Inspection of balconies
Sign clean up/painting
Dead shrubs
Executive Session:
Out of Executive Session: Action from Executive Session.
Other Business:
Adjournment: After annual meeting in June.