Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

May 22, 2024   7:30 pm  Zoom


Call to Order:  7:30 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Kathleen Ashburn, Steve Wimbush, Jamie Ponder, Eric Hedges, Carol Hassebrock

Greet guests: Don Graham, Tom Bakken, Moe Scharhon, Katy Montfort


Minutes of April 20, 2024 Board Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Kathleen Ashburn. Motion carries.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve financial report as emailed and presented by Jamie Ponder, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities: Storage clean out was productive at May clean up. 248 ceiling is being redone on warranty, tomorrow they will be painting and then complete. 213 deck membrane has been redone on warranty. Building 2 siding has been replaced at 3 different locations.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. Landscape provider is working to get sprinkler system up and running. It was discovered that water pressure is not sufficient to get all heads working. Provider is looking at pressure regulator to see if it needs to be replaced or adjusted. Jamie has a quote for barking/mulching that was higher than expected at $7,000. Our provider has suggested to do the mulch in January or February for best results.


Old Business:

            Treasurer Vacancy. Tabled.


            May Clean up. Ralph thanked everyone that participated especially
Tom Bakkenm. Don Graham acknowledged the efforts of Cathe Weeks. Tom also added Jamie’s efforts to that.

            June Annual Meeting. Ralph suggested approaching Felecia Sutton and Cathe Weeks regarding serving as registrar. Steve volunteered for set up. Kathleen volunteered for registrar.

            Reserve Study. Carol will draft a check for 50% deposit of $1,070 payable to Association Reserves. We will send the signed agreement with the check.


New Business

            Tree Removal Quote. No longer necessary. Ralph will look into stump grinding for one stump at entry and one near sport court.

            Parking lot sealing quote. Ralph has a quote for $2,200 to seal all cracks and $1,500 to restripe parking stalls. We will seek another quote.

            Painting. Top Quality Painting Building 1-$36,000. Building 2 $45,600, Building 3 $40,000. Tabled until we get at least one more estimate.

Tom will get a gutter quote for all buildings.

            Sales. 2 units have sold recently.


Executive Session:   


Next Meeting:  Annual Meeting, June 1, 2024.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 9:20PM by Jamie Ponder, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion carries.