Minutes of June 2, 2018 Annual Meeting
Board Members: Carol Hasselbrock, President: Tom Street, Vice President: Eric Hedges, Secretary: Stacey Famellos, Treasurer: Board Members at Large: Cathy Tepel, Chris Urquhart, Tim Lynch
1. Certification of Meeting presented by Chris Urquhart (39 members and proxies )
Chris motioned the meeting has reached a quorum. Dennis seconded. All in Favor.
2. Board Members and New Owners were introduced
3. Presentation of June , 2017 agenda approved.
Mentioned by Time Lynch, seconded by Lynn Likel to approve the Agenda. All in favor.
1. Motion to accept minutes as presented by Gary Haveman, seconded by Denise Burgess. All in Favor
2. Financials presented by Carol. Motion to approve by Tim Lynch. Seconded by Nance Stull. All in Favor
3. Review of the packet sent to all Owner for Clarification
1. Landscape plans to cut the gardens in front of Building 2 to match the other building fronts. Mulch will be put down at the time, but plants will be planted in the spring. Motion to modify the gardens in front of Building 2, for the cost of 2,000 not to exceed an addition 20% by Sharon Tucker. Seconded by Nancy Stull.
2. Insurance: Carol Hassebrock updated the Association on the current insurance needs. This year, the insurance was increased to give the Association more coverage for Sewer Back Up.
3. Election of Board Members. Tim Lynch has taken over for Wayne Holverstat who has retired. Wayne thank you for the years of hard work you performed to keep Mariners Cove looking like it does. Stacey Famellos has agreed to run for the Board. Unanimous appointments of Tim and Stacey.
ADJOURNMENT: 10:45. Motioned by Tim Lynch, seconded by Katy Monfort. Approved by All. Board meet to follow.
Cathy Tepel/Board Member