Mariners Cove Association Board June 19, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: 9 am
Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Sandi Mehl, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Brooks Friedland
Minutes: May minutes as e-mailed. Motion by Sandi, second by Steve to approve. Approved. June minutes as e-mailed. Motion by Jamie, second by Steve to approve. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Motion by Felecia, second by Sandi to approve. Approved.
Old Business:
Facilities and grounds report: Ralph/Brooks
- Pruning of Shrubs NWMS started pruning trees and shrubs on June 18. Will continue next week.
- Mail Box Replace Mail boxes are due in next week. New Hardie board siding will arrive first week of July.
- Parking Issues New No parking signs put up at the south end of the parking lot. Has resolved issue of cars parked in the car wash station.
- Bldg 1 railings. Most of the wood railings are still in good shape so will defer replacement.
- Mold/moss on buildings Need to rent a lift to access shingle roofs and higher areas of the walls. Estimated cost $1500 - $2000. Try to complete in July.
- Replacement of Photinia shrubs. Existing Photinias suffered a blight and were cut back last year. Some have died and others are still showing signs of blight. Motion by Jamie, second by Felicia to spend up to $5000 to replace Photinias with another hardier shrub. Approved. Gary Haveman will provide recommendations for board approval of type of replacement.
- Re-opening clubhouse. There have been numerous requests to use the clubhouse which is closed due to the pandemic. Motion by Brooks, second by Sandi to open the clubhouse under Washington State DOH Phase 3 guidelines. Approved.
- Dog park. Felecia researched dog park surfaces. Pea gravel is a good solution, but is expensive and requires a rock base to work well. Grass is not a good solution due to lack of irrigation. Suggest using wood chips. Jamie motioned, Steve second to authorize Felecia to spend up to $500 to purchase wood chips for the dog park. Approved.
CCR rewrite update: Carol - tabled
July 4th security. The security person used in the past is unable to provide services this year. Efforts to hire professional security has resulted in no response. Carol Hassebrock is researching options. Sandi Mehl will also reach out to find someone to man the parking lot entrance. Brooks will install towing signs.
New Business:
- Sales of units Two units have sold in the last week, 5 units have sold so far this year.
- Executive session – resident issues
- Enter executive session at 10:10 am. Exit executive session at 10:35.
- Brooks motioned, Jamie seconded the board define residency as someone staying for 45 days or longer. Approved.
- Picnic in July. Motion by Sandi and second by Jamie to authorize Felecia to purchase 2 folding tables for picnic and other functions at the clubhouse, up to $125. Approved. Tentative scheduled date is July 17, 2021.
Other business:
Need to check Bldg 3 upper balcony rails/structure for rot.
Board agreed only meet during the summer in the event of a need to meet. Any concerns to be brought to the attention of the President.
Motion to adjourn by Felecia, second by Sandi.
Adjournment: 10:50am Next meeting…September 19/21 Annual Meeting