10 AM  Eric Hedges hosted the meeting.

Meeting was certified by roll call and by proxy count.  Twenty-seven units were represented. (twenty-six required for Quorum)  Eric Hedges moved to certify the annual meeting, seconded by Chris Urquhart- motion passed. Units represented: (230 via proxy to Ralph Tepel,) 231, (234 via proxy to Cathe Weeks), 237, 238, (239 via proxy to Nancy Stull), (207 via proxy to Ralph Tepel,) (209 via proxy to Allen Likkel), 210, 213, 215, 217, 219, (220 via proxy to Allen Likkel), 222, 223, 224, 240, 244, 245, 246, 249, 252, 253, (254 via proxy to Carol Hassebrock), 255, 256.



Call to order by President Ralph Tepel  

1.     Introduced Board Members and new owners.

2.     Additions to the agenda were called for.  None were offered.

3.     Motion to accept the agenda by Carol Hassebrock, second by Chris Urquhart- motion passed.

Old Business

1.     2020 minutes, as emailed to membership, presented for additions and corrections.  None given.  Motion to approve 2020 annual minutes by Chris Urquhart, second by Jamie Ponder- motion passed.

2.     Financial report to date.  Motion and vote to accept financial report as presented by Allen Likkel, seconded by Eric Hedges- motion passed.

3.     Review of information emailed to members with annual meeting notice.               Clarification and discussion as requested.

a.      South parking lot flooding discussed.  Ralph explained the problem, stating it is an on-going issue.  It will take time to resolve.  Owners will be kept informed as more information is available.

b.     Mail boxes replacement.  Ralph explained the process and the time-line for completion of the project.  Individual mail boxes will be larger.  More parcel boxes will be added and will also be larger.        

c.      New sprinkler heads on Building III landings will be replaced to keep the Association in compliance with state laws.

New Business

1.      Capital Reserve funds required to meet future building and capital maintenance.  Steve Wimbush led a discussion on how to prepare for the cost of those needs.  Steve stated the board is looking at hiring a company to do a reserve study of Mariner Cove facilities and buildings.  Owners were told to expect a Reserve Fund assessment increase to be approved for the 2022 budget.


2.     Election for three open board member positions.

Nominations from the membership. None offered.

Board nominated Felecia Sutton, current board member, who has agreed to let her name stand for reelection. Other nominations by the board were Steve Wimbush and Sandi Mehl.

Motion to close nominations by Eric Hedges, second by Carol- motion approved. 

Motion by Eric Hedges to accept the three nominated members, Steve Wimbush, Sandi Mehl and Felecia Sutton, through acclamation, seconded by Katy Montfort- motion approved.

3.     Allan Likkel brought up the gravel trail in front of our property that is no longer needed now that the berm is in place. Christina Brewer volunteered to research the relinquishing of the easement with the county so that we retain control of the gravel trail.


Adjournment  Motion to adjourn at 11:13AM by Tim Douglas, second by Katy Montfort- motion passed.


(As per CCRs, the new board met immediately following adjournment.   Owners were welcomed to attend.)