Mariners Cove Condominium Homeowners Association
Minutes Annual Meeting June 4, 2022
(Zoom Meeting)
Zoom Host: Eric Hedges
Registration and proxies were accepted at 9:45 am
Roll Call: Quorum of 34 owners present by Zoom or by proxy.
Call to Order: 10:05 am. By President Ralph Tepel
Ralph certified meeting by quorum.
Board members and new owners were introduced.
Agenda presented. Owners were invited to add items to the agenda.
Motion to accept the agenda made by Eric Hedges, second by Carol. M.C.
Old Business:
1. 2021 annual meeting minutes as emailed to membership presented for additions and corrections. Motion to accept minutes by Carol, second by Chris. MC
2. Financial report to date. Motion to approve financial report as presented by Chris, second by Felecia. MC
3. Information emailed to members with annual meeting notice were reviewed. Clarification and discussion took place.
New Business:
Election for four open board member positions.
Ralph Tepel, Brooks Friedland, Jamie Ponder and Carol Hassebrock 2 year terms ended June 4, 2022. Ralph Jamie and Brooks agreed to run for another two-year position. Eric Hedges, former board member, accepted a nomination from the Board. Thanks to these individuals willingness to run for a board position, we had a full slate. Carol Hassebrock gave notice that she would not be running for office again.
Members Felecia Sutton, Sandi Mehl and Steve Wimbush have one more year left on their two-year terms.
President Ralph Tepel called for nominations from the floor. There being no additional nominations, nominations were closed by motion of Don Graham and seconded by Chris. MC.
Don Graham moved, and Chris Urquhart seconded for a vote of acclimation
of the four candidates, Ralph Tepel, Brooks Friedland, Jamie Ponder and Eric Hedges. MC
Adjournment: 11:25
Motion by Carol, second by Felecia to adjourn. MC.
As per CCRs, the new board met immediately following adjournment. All owners were invited to attend.