Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2023   9:00AM  Zoom


Call to Order:  9:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Sandi Mehl, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges.

Greet guests: Tom Scally


Minutes of June 3, 2023 Post Annual Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Felecia. Motion carries.

Financial Report as presented by Felecia (to be emailed after meeting). Motion by Jamie Ponder to approve financial report as presented, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Brooks Friedland. To be covered under other topics.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. Landscape crew has had staffing issues and

the irrigation system had not been turned on when it should have been. Jamie has been working through aiming and timing issues. Juniper in front of building 3 to be removed on Thursday. Maple trees in front of building 3 need to be trimmed. Felecia is looking at stumps and Sandi and Minda will put together planting recommendations. 


Old Business:

            Trees impacting views – Don Graham. Tabled.

            Vehicle Charge Station. No proposal from PSE yet. Several contractors have been out to estimate the work.

            July 4th Preparation. We need volunteers to monitor parking at the driveway, currently there are 6. Felecia to send another email for volunteers parking monitoring and fence install.

            Sign Painting. Dave and Sandi have been working on with other volunteers.

            Balcony Inspection worklist


New Business

            Parking lot surface. Previous contractor has reached out to see if we would like another estimate. Some areas where grass is growing through pavement.

            Annual Fire Safety System Inspection. June 28th. Ralph to send a reminder to all owners that we will be entering units. Note that no paint can be on sprinkler heads or it will need to be replaced at owner’s expense.

            Ralph to send out pool rules to all owners including no food in pool area.



Executive Session:  TBD

No action from executive session.


Next Meeting:  September 16, 2023.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 10:23am by Eric Hedges, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion carries.