Mariners Cove Association Board August 15, 2020



Call to Order:  9 am. Tim, Carol, James, Ralph, Eric


Guests: None     Correspondence: 


Minutes:  As emailed earlier  Minutes for July. Motion to approve July minutes by Ralph, second by James. Approved.


Financial Report

            Deposit Account:            $231.96   General Account:      $35,322.66

            Capital Reserves:      $47,576.36    Insurance Reserves:  $48,219.53

                        TOTAL      $131,350.51

Motion to approve financial report by Tim, second by Ralph. Approved.


Old Business:

1.       Facilities and Grounds Report:  Tim Lynch

Discussion and Action, under old or new business as appropriate. Trees at the entry way have been replaced. MC sign needs some fresh paint and a new cap for the top. A few gutters on the shop to be adjusted so they drain correctly. Pressure washing of sidewalks is complete, some of the paint was accidentally removed at curbs but has been repainted. White lines for parking spots and crosswalk between building 1 and 2 could be added to the list for repainting. South fence needs some attention, Tim is reaching out to our neighbors to the south. Back wall needs a little maintenance so water doesn’t accumulate. Water meters need to be decattywampused. Fire and backflow testing has been completed. Three units on building three were not accessed. Five year FA system inspection is due. For sale sign out front needs some attention.


2.      Insurance:   Snapper, Shuler and Kenner have our insurance out to bid.  We will be meeting with Paul Kenner and Bobbi Green before the end of August.           


3.      Insurance letter to owner, tabled

4.      Committee to look at where buildings are vulnerable. Tabled

5.      Bookkeeping bids, tabled


New Business:

Board positions: Eric Hedges and Tim Lynch have one year left on their terms.  

Five positions open:  Carol Hassebrock, let name stand;   Ralph Tepel, let name stand;  Jamie Ponder?;  Chris Urquhart, not standing;   One vacant position.

            Does the Board want to present nominations? 


Agenda for Annual Meeting:  1. Mail Boxes replaced?  2. Do we want to propose increasing Capital Reserve Dues $50 a month.  That would increase owners’ dues for Capital Reserves from $600 yearly to $1,200 yearly and increase Capital Reserves annual income from $30.600 a year to $61,200 annually.  3. Any other agenda items?


Other Business:


Executive Session:  Continuation of July’s executive session.

Out of executive session.  Move on any action to be taken. None.


Adjournment       Next meeting  Saturday, September 5 at 9:00 to prepare for annual meeting. Sept 12 Annual Meeting 10 am.  Board meeting immediately after Annual Meeting as per CCRs.


Motion to adjourn by Eric at 10:40, second by Tim. Approved.