Mariners Cove Condominium Association
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2022
Call to Order: 9 am via Zoom
Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Felecia Sutton, Sandi Mehl, Eric Hedges, Brooks Friedland, Jamie Ponder, Carol Hassebrock (ex officio)
Greet guests: Katy Montfort, John Templeton, Will Lofdahl, Tim & Joanne Douglas
Minutes of July 2, 2022 as emailed with the correction of moving Carol Hassebrock from Guests to Attendees. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Brooks Friedland. Motion approved.
Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve financial report as presented by Sandi Mehl, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion approved.
Committee Reports:
Facilities: Brooks Friedland. Discussion and updates on deck repair work, window and door replacement and siding replacement on Building 1 landings. Brooks will call the gutter company to schedule needed work on gutters.
Lawn/grounds: Jamie Ponder/Felecia Sutton: Jamie reported on sprinkler head adjustments which should result in the greening of brown spots in the lawn. Jamie will call the landscape company regarding weed removal in various areas of the property and ask for a quote to remove and replace dying junipers.
Old Business:
Flood/frozen pipe repairs progress report. Most repairs done. Waiting for a solution to pipe access in three bathrooms.
Pool condensation problem. For now the pool temperature will be lowered to help with the condensation.
Handicap parking. Sandi and Felecia will investigate FHA/ADA parking space regulations before getting bids for the possibility of two ramps - one on the south end of the clubhouse and one off the driveway between Building 1 and Building 2.
Status on Windows/Patio Doors. Waiting on Van Der Griend.
New Business:
Noise and Dogs - Ralph sent a letter to all residents reminding them of pool and noise rules. Felecia is working on a letter which will be sent out with a reminder of general HOA rules including rules about dogs.
Recycling - Brooks will get a quote on either increasing the size of the cardboard recycling container or pickup every week rather than every other week.
Insurance – It is assumed that the cost of insurance will increase. The broker will be asked to review property replacement value.
Update check signers list: Current signers are now Felecia Sutton, Ralph Tepel, Brooks Friedland, Sandi Mehl, Carol Hassebrock
Bldg 1 Siding - Bid has been requested.
Executive Session: - 30 minutes.
Out of Executive Session: Action from Executive Session: Motion by Sandi Mehl to advise delinquent owner of 15 days to come current. Failing that, a lien will be initiated. Second by Steve Wimbush. Motion approved.
Discussion was held on hiring a board member part-time for administrative duties.
Next meeting: Sept 17, 2022 at Noon.
Motion to adjourn at 11:30 by Brooks Friedland, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion approved.