Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, September 8, 2018
Call to order: 9am. Tom, Chris, Carol, Stacy, Cathy, Tim, Eric.
Greet Guests. Cathy Street, Sharon Steinbeck, Sharon Tucker.
Add agenda items from guests. None.
Correspondence from Tom Scalley Unit 210 re: sliding glass door issues in his unit. Carol replied that we would have Vander Greind lumber company look at it.
Minutes of June and Special meetings as E-mailed. Chris move to approve June minutes and special meeting minutes, Stacy second. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Information provided to Board Members. Motion by Chris to accept financial report as presented. Cathy second. Approved.
Grounds Report and Facilities Report: Tim Lynch
1. Landscaping on water side of Building 2
2. Building I, step brackets
3. Pressure wash exteriors to remove mildew and moss.
4. Window/door replacement. Completed.
5. Work in Diana’s unit #230. Almost completed.
6. Duane Vis touch up painting. Ongoing.
7. Dryer vents cleaning. Completed.
8. Sidewalk leveling. To be on priority list.
9. French Drain on retaining wall. See below in old business.
Old Business:
1. Dog issues discussed.
2. Action from facilities/grounds report. Tim has received an estimate from Van Zanten to add two clean outs so that pipe can be cleared periodically. Motion by Chris to authorize Tim to work with Van Zanten to complete this work and have Vac truck clean out pipe. Not to exceed $2,500. Second by Stacy. Approved.
New Business:
1. Insurance Renewal, 2018-2019. Chris move to accept renewal of insurance policy with increased fees. Stacy second. Approved.
2. Maintenance person hire. Hiring approved at special meeting 8/27/2018.
3. Other Business:
Motion for Adjournment: 10:47 am. Approved.
Next meeting Saturday, October 13