Mariners Cove Association Board August 31, 2019
Call to Order: 9 am. Carol, Chris, Christina, Cathy, Stacy, Tim, Eric
Greet Guests: Ralph Tepel
Minutes from June 2019 meeting, Chris motion to approve, Cathy second. Approved.
Correspondence: None
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Eric motion to approve. Chris second. Approved.
Old Business:
Summer projects: Report from Tim. Yard maintenance company has seen a few rats on the property. Tim recommended that we send an email to owners reminding them that all need to not keep food products outside. Plants that were cut down are starting to bud again. Hedges at driveway are coming back they will be trimmed so they do not obstruct views. Rhododendrons will be trimmed in sections. We have given team leader for Management Services a list of tasks to be performed weekly. Fire alarm and backflow testing has passed. July 4th security was good. No issues with parking during BB Discovery Days and Seahawk fan fest. Stair brackets in building 1, some are rusted and lag bolts are rusting because wood is moist, new stainless bolts are being used with new aluminum brackets. Eric Rosenthal did sidewalk grinding at uneven sidewalks. Valve cover for women’s shower was rusted out and broke, it has been replaced. Women’s soap dispenser has been remounted. Building 1 siding under stairs is beginning to have some rot, it will need to be replaced in the near future. Future projects- pressure washing building 1 and pool area, light fixtures in the driveway, paint a cross walk at entry, repaint speed limit warning, investigate discoloring in pool. September, 11 and 12 Baron heating will be here doing fireplace maintenance. Small tree outside 225 should be removed, it is very close to foundation and gutter drain. Mold and water spots in ceiling and wall of clubhouse.
Video monitoring systems, we will have a discussion concerning what the Board sees as the Association’s and owners’ wants and needs for video monitoring. I have invited Ralph Tepel to join the Board in the discussion. Once there is a consensus of opinion on what the Board’s goals are concerning a monitoring system, we will look at the information Tim has collected from various county vendors. We will also look again at what Ralph Tepel has put together for consideration. I also asked Ralph to draft a policy how the Board will use information gathered from video equipment for the Board to consider and act on. Motion by Tim and seconded by Chris to enlist Ralph to create a proposal for a camera system upgrade.
Policy revisions, tabled until October meeting.
New Business:
Window cleaning in pool area. Cathy to call window cleaners. Tim will get screen fixed.
Improper language used in common areas.
Trash area issues.
Vote on check signers for Bank of the Pacific. Motion by Eric and second by Tim to authorize Carol Hassebrock, Cathy Tepel, Stacy Famellos, Chris Urquhart and Christina Brewer. Motion approved.
Insurance. Snapper, Kenner and Shuler is putting together pricing for our premiums.
Other business: None
Next meeting Saturday, October 19 @ 9:00AM
Adjournment: Motion to approve by Tim second by Eric. Approved 11:49AM