Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2023   9:00 am  Zoom


Call to Order:  9:07 am via Zoom

Attendees:  Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Sandi Mehl, Jamie Ponder, Eric Hedges, Carol Hassebrock.

Greet guests: Don Graham, Cathe Weeks, Kathleen Ashburn, Lori Lofdahl


Minutes of June 24, 2023 Post Annual Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve June 24, 2023 minutes by Steve Wimbush, second by Felecia Sutton. Approved.

Financial Report as emailed by Felecia Deposit Account $3,710, General Fund $2,728.50, Insurance Reserve $46,852.07, Capital Reserve $133,117.71, Total all funds $186,720.06. 2022 audit is complete. Tax forms are complete. Motion to approve Financial Report by Sandi Mehl, second by Steve Wimbush. Approved.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Brooks Friedland. Unit 254 deck vinyl being replaced. Unit 255 will be repaired next. Building 2 lights on 24 hours, a photocell being looked at. Board above 218 needs to be painted. Growth on some balconies on building 1, Ralph has a contact.

             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder. Winterizing in a few weeks. Irrigation did not work well this summer, landscape is recommending maintenance when we commission next summer season. Landscape recommends mulching in flower beds. Jamie getting quotes on snow removal.


Old Business:

            Trees impacting views – Don Graham. Don will continue attempts to contact property manager.

            Vehicle Charge Station. Motion by Eric Hedges to pass on EV charger at this time, second by Jamie Ponder. Approved.

            Balcony Inspection worklist

Authorization for Ralph Tepel, Felecia Sutton and Jamie Ponder to sign legal papers for the Association. Motion by Sandi Mehl to authorize Ralph Tepel, Felecia Sutton and Jamie Ponder to sign legal papers for the Association, second by Felecia Sutton. Approved.

            BBW&S flood risk mitigation. Discussed.


New Business

            Vestibule Sprinkler Repair. Apollo Mechanical will walk some of the units and come up with a proposal.

            Insurance Renewal. Nationwide is dropping us. We are aggressively looking at alternate providers. Building 1 does not have sprinklers which is proving problematic with finding a new carrier.

            Painting Bldg 2. On the list for estimates.

            Meeting w/ Grand Bay. Motion by Sandi Mehl to offer the use of our clubhouse one day per year for Grand Bay to hold their annual meeting, second by Felecia Sutton. Approved.   


Executive Session:  Broken Entrance Light, Hiring handyman

Out of Executive Session:  Action from Executive Session.

Motion by Felecia Sutton that we hire a handyman, second by Jamie Ponder. Approved.


Other Business:


Next Meeting:  September 30, 2023.


Motion to adjourn at 11:44 by Felecia Sutton, second by everybody. Approved.