Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes


September 18, 2024   7:30 PM  Zoom


Call to Order:  7:30 PM via Zoom

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Sandra Mehl, Moe Scharhon, Kathleen Ashburn, Carol Hassebrock. Jamie Ponder absent.


Motion to approve June 14, 2024 Board meeting minutes by Sandra Mehl, second by Kathleen Ashburn. Motion carried.


Ralph Tepel presented the current financial report. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Kathleen Ashburn. Motion carried.


President’s Report:

Ralph Tepel informed the Board of the need to have a designated representative to coordinate new pool key requests with a local locksmith. Motion to approve Lance Ashburn as the authorized representative by Ralph Tepel, second by Kathleen Ashburn. Motion carried.


The need for on-site Board members to have access to the Fire Room keys was discussed. It was also decided that Tom Bakken should have access as well. Ralph led a discussion on the need for on-site Board members and other residents to have access to sewer shut-off valves in the case of an emergency. Other matters discussed concerned the repair of the storage shed after the recent break-in; the need to keep the parking lot drain clear; and continuing problems with dogs and the dog park.



Committee Reports:

Facilities:  Ralph Tepel reported that a chemical will soon be added to the pool that will reduce condensation. Also, it was reported that areas around building 2 were being overwatered. This latter item will be discussed with the landscaping company.


Old Business:

Sprinkler head solutions for Building 2 were discussed.  Ralph suggested that blue tooth thermometers be ordered that would allow on-site monitoring during periods of winter cold. Motion to approve by Moe Scharhon, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion carried.


Regarding the BBQ area, it was agreed that the current arrangement is working satisfactorily and is adequate to the demand.


Ralph Tepel reported that the Reserve Study had been received and was under consideration.


The Board discussed gutter cleaning and decided to delay action until such time that all the leaves have come down.


The Board decided that building painting projects should be pushed into next year.


New Business


A discussion of winter freeze preparation continued. Also, Ralph is coordinating the gathering of information for the new Beneficial Ownership Information report. Insurance renewal was also discussed. The Board was considering two different insurance proposals submitted for consideration.  Further clarification was deemed necessary before placing the coverage.


Executive Session:   


Executive Session at 9:50 PM.


Motion by Sandra Mehl, seconded by Moe Scharhon to proceed with notice to an owner concerning loud noise disturbance. Motion carried. Motion by Sandra Mehl, seconded by Moe Scharhon to proceed with notice to an owner regarding unsightly exterior storage. Motion Carried.

Motion by Sandra Mehl, seconded by Kathleen Ashburn to engage an attorney to bring collection action against a delinquent owner. Motion carried.


In light of a vacant Board position Ralph Telpel moved that Carol Hasselbrock be appointed to the Board until such time that a permanent member is appointed or elected. Second by Moe Scharhon. Motion carried.


Out of Executive Session at 10:10 PM.


Adjournment:    Motion to Adjourn by Ralph Tepel, seconded by Sandi Mehl. Motion carried.  Adjourned at 10:15 PM.


Next Meeting:  October 25, 2024 at 7:30PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Steve Wimbush

Acting Secretary