October 18, 2003


PRESENT: Board Members Nancy Stull, Ken Russell, Daun Botta Pillo, Marianne Shotwell-Sowers, Mark Simard, Larry Kosterewa, George Emmett.  Also present: Seven (7) Association members.

Meeting convened at 9:00 am, Board President Nancy Stull presiding.

Attending association members were welcomed by the board.

Minutes of the Annual Meetings of September 13, 2003 and September 24, 2003 were approved as corrected.

Managing Board Members' Report:

1.  Construction debris reported behind Phase 2 was removed.

2.  Leaks in units 218, 230, 239, 240 following record rainfall are being addressed.

3.  The cause of our annual parking lot flooding has been confirmed to be a storm water outlet pipe from the mobile home resort behind and above Mariner's Cove.  The pipe discharges directly into our parking lot.  Owners claim they have county permission for this arrangement.  Mark Simard will research this matter for possible complaint and/or legal action.

4.  Survey of reported clogged rain gutters confirmed need for gutter and downspout cleaning.

5.  Harlan Langstraat has given notice that he will be leaving Mariner's Cove this month.  Board will advertise for a new, licensed maintenance person to assume the services left unattended by Harlan' departure.  Bids will be solicited by Larry and coordinated through Daun.

6.  In discussion, it was generally agreed that all owners should provide keys for emergency access to their units to the board or to a full-time resident neighbor.  Board members entrusted with keys will only enter in pairs and only under emergency conditions when the owner is not immediately available.  At present, master keys are in safekeeping of Nancy, Ken, Daun and Harlan.  However, those keys may not fit locks that have been changed or rekeyed.

Open Meeting: Several owners addressed the board on issues of personal concern.  These included:

1.  Letters to owners from the board secretary regarding the elimination of paid on-site management.

2.  Worry over master key possession and safeguarding.

3.  Unsightly condition and debris scattered by owners of boats stored in the parking lot

4.  Tenant-landlord lease agreements.  Some not yet received by the board

5.  Request that number of general membership meetings per year be increased from one to two.

Treasurer's Report (Daun): Disbursements, year to date: $84,853.  Budgeted, year to date: $88,515.

Disc:  Regarding responses to George Emmett's personal letters to the membership concerning the board's Sept. 13th decision to eliminate the on-site manager's position.  Of 13 replies received, ten favored retention of the position and 3 supported its elimination.

MOTION:  by George, Nancy 2d: To reinstate the on-site manager position, pending a vote by the full membership to retain or eliminate the position.  Voting for: George, Nancy, Marianne.  Voting against: Mark, Ken, Daun, Larry.  Motion defeated.

Disc:  Insurance: Based on information from local builders and others, our insurance coverage has not kept up with inflating reconstruction costs as required.  Those costs are now estimated at a minimum of $90 per square foot.  Additional insurance premium for meeting this fiduciary requirement will be researched.  (Note:  Board members subsequently voted by email to increase our coverage to $90 per square foot.)

Deck Repairs: Professional examination of the affected decks revealed no basic structural damage.  Only surface decking will have to be replaced.  Therefore, our "worst-case" estimate of $20,000 for repairs will likely be halved.  Bids for this work will be solicited.

Gutter Cleaning and/or Repair: Gutters of all three phases and the recreation building require cleaning. A letter to homeowners requesting recommendations for "handyman" position will be sent with quarterly minutes. Responses will be coordinated by Marianne and Daun.

Disc: Blocked bathtub drain, unit 245:  Blockage found to be caused by gravel left in drain during construction.  MOTION by Nancy, Daun 2d, to pay $95.22 bill for clearing drain.  Motion passed unanimously.

Disc:   Possible lawsuit: re: Walker Carpet One.  Owner Scott Walker has not replied to request for reimbursement for damage in excess of $4,000 caused by his uninsured subcontractor's negligence in connection with interior work being done in unit 238.  The negligence resulted in flood damage to the unit below, which was subsequently restored by the Association. The board will proceed with further steps to recover that amount.

Disc:  Upcoming Board Tasks: 

1. Capital maintenance budget (required for annual audit.)

2. Prepare 2004 budget

3. Assemble paper work for year-end audit.

4. Solicit bids for audit.  (Daun and Nancy)

5. Welcome packets for new residents, to include copies of rules, bylaws, etc.

Appreciation:  To Nancy Stull for her donation of replacement furniture for the Recreation Room.

Adjourned at 12:25

ADDENDEUM:  Subsequent to the meeting, the board, after exchanging views and voting by email, selected Handyman Solutions out of three bids to clean gutters, apply moss kill to roofs and pressure wash entries to Phase 2.

Submitted by:
George Emmett, Secty.