October 21, 2006 APPROVED MINUTES


Call to Order 9:00am

Directors present 
Carol Hasebrock President
Deanne Wright Vice President
Wayne Holverstat
Anne Van Der Zalm

Arlyn Plagerman Treasurer
Jim Morehouse

Greet guests None in attendance 

Minutes of September 16, 2006 meeting read and approved
Minutes of October 7, 2006 Special meeting read and approved

Financial Report Carol for Arlyn
Financial report read

Building Report, Wayne
Progress on Phase I decks
Discussed the work on phase 1 done by Holleman Const.

Roof leak 232 Phase I
Waiting on report from Mark Carpenter Roofing.

Review monthly inspection log
All gutters need to be cleaned, they will be cleaned by All Seasons.

Building Inspection Report
Wayne gave report 

Grounds Report, Deanne
Status of contract with gardeners
Lawn care finishes Oct. 31, 2006, for the season.

Trees at Phase III, remove because of disease
The trees with blight will be removed on Phase 3 east side.

Trees at clubhouse between Phase I (Trees are damaging the roof, starting to push up the sidewalk 

Plugging the gutters, etc.) Discuss options. (trim, prune, remove some or remove all)
Deane motioned that trees should be removed, Seconded by Anne. Vote was approved by those present.

Sales Report, Anne
No new sales have taken place.

Old Business

Insurance update: Discuss adding more value to replacement insurance.
Carol will investigate whether the coverage is sufficient.

Review survey form for owners
Carol and Deanne will put out a survey form to inquire about ownership of vehicles and recreation vehicles in the parking lot...

Table CC&Rs review

New Business

Packet to owners
Winterizing letter, survey form, registration of stored vehicles, letter updating on association business.
Packet containing this information will be sent out to all homeowners.

Ice melt distribution
Jim Morehouse will be asked to distribute

Pool: signs updated. Posted no lifeguard, etc.
Nancy Stull will be asked to replace the pool signs.
Wayne will take care of posting the “No Life Guard on Duty signs”

Other Business 

1.Concerns of one of the owners regarding the winter shut down of the pool. The board referred to the CC&R and decided this was not an option.

Adjournment Noon