October 31, 2009 BOARD MEETING

President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/ Janet Russell
Resale Certificate: 
Maintenance: Wayne Holverstott
Grounds: Deanne Wright

ABSENTEES: Deanne Wright

GUESTS: Bill Henshaw

CORRESPONDENCE: E-mail regarding the ordering of pool supplies. 
Note regarding leak in unit #218. Follow up on leak will take place.

MINUTES: Accepted as presented. 


  • Presented by Carol Hassebrock
  • Financial reports read and approved.
  • Motion to revise the 2009 budget to reduce line item Insurance Reserve Monthly Transfer from $3,043.56 to $2,500. 
  • Motion to revise the 2009 budget to increase line item Building Reserve Monthly Transfer from $248.59 to $792.15. 
  • Motion to transfer $6,996 from the Insurance Reserve Fund to the General Fund.  
  • Motion to transfer $6,996 from General Fund to the Building Reserve.

Motions by Cathy. Seconded by Wayne. All approved. 



  • Gutters will be finished in November.
  • Wait on caulking. 
  • Up to date on painting. 
  • Bike racks installed and ready for use. 
  • Boat racks installed built; but not installed. 
  • Painting of shed needs to be completed.
  • Wayne requested electricity for the shed. 

Motion given by Carol to expend $500.00. Seconded by Janet. All in favor.

  • Wayne notified the Board that he can hear water dripping in the walls. Board agreed to have Dan look at units 213, 216, and 217 for potential leakage. Check moisture.
  • Carol requested a list of 2010 projects by the November Board Meeting. Prioritize for the 2010 budget. 

    2.    GROUNDS: 

  • Authorization has been given to Northstar landscaping to be on site for 8 man-hours twice a month. 

    3.    Pool:

  • Pool is open again. Coils filters have been cleaned.
  • Due to better price pool Cathy will order supplies on line.
  •  In Nancy Stohl’s absence Wayne will back up Nancy Stohl on the daily maintenance of pool.
  • Discussion was held on changing vendors for pool maintenance and repairs. 

Motion was given by Wayne to switch vendors to Aqua Island Technology. Seconded by Carol. All in favor. 

    4.    SALES: 

  • No updates



    1.    Reserve Study 

  • Bill Henshaw attended a conference on behalf of the Board regarding Reserve Studies, as well as, by the request of the Board, Bill was asked to review the Mariner’s Cove Reserve Study and make comment, based on his knowledge from the conference. 
    • The Reserve Study is a good roadmap and should be used as a guideline. The Board needs flexibility with the budget. 
    • Although, the Study shows up to a 40-year plan, the Board should look at 10 years out.
    • Other condos HOA are not fully funded. Consider monthly dues vs. quarterly dues. 
    • Create a mission statement for the Board. HOA knows and understands the Boards direction.

The Board thanked Bill for attending the conference and his comments on the Reserve Study. 

     2.    Insurance.

  • No updates.

     3.    Assessments:

  • All but one homeowner is paid. Two assessments are being paid on a quarterly basis.

     4.    BBW&S and Trailer Park:

  • Per the BBW&S, the run off from the trailer park maybe ground water. Access water from the hill due to the water table level.
  • Need to test water to determine if it is storm water vs. sewage water. Check with local college for project for students.

     5.    Abandoned Trailer:

  • Notice was given in previous minutes regarding an abandoned trailer in the south end of the parking lot. Significant notification has been given. The trailer will be removed from the property. 


New Business:

  • The November Board Meeting will be focused on the 2010 budget.
  • Reminder to homeowners during the winter months to keep the heat at 53 degrees. Potential damage caused to the condo will be owner’s liability.
  • Bags of salt have been placed at each door. If homeowners run out notify Board for replacement. 


Meeting adjourned at 12:18 pm

Next meeting November 21, 2009 9:00am                                                         Janet Russell, Secretary