October 19, 2013
President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Secretary Kim Burgess
Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Board Members: Wayne Holverstott
Deanne Wright
Chris Urquhart (via conference call)
Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.
MINUTES: Motion made by Carol to approve the minutes as presented. 2nd by Jim. Approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Presented by Carol. Motion made by Wayne to accept as presented. 2nd by Chris. Approved.
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from new owner advising water damage and mold on wall and cupboards inside ground unit in building 1. Possibly insurable. Cathy will speak to Dan D on Tuesday.
Maintenance: Wayne advised handrails are ready to be installed on building 1.
All the outside lights have been repainted and replaced.
All hoses, except car wash station, have been removed for winter.
Signs have been repaired.
Drain pipes damaged during construction are being repaired as located.
Cathy advised the pool has been inspected by the County and written notice given stating the pool is in need of resurfacing, tiles repaired and the alarm is not working correctly. Cathy will speak to pool expert to assess needed repairs.
Grounds: Deanne advised the sprinkler system has been shut down for the winter.
Back garden has been cleaned.
Question regarding cutting back trees. Advised that the construction workers have cut trees away from the building as required for painting.
Sales: No sales.
Construction: Basic needs:
- $1,500.00 to make and install new rails on building 1 to bring up to code.
- $700.00 for electrician to get power to the shed.
Cathy suggested the following:
- Postpone replacement of balcony rails on west side of building 1 to Spring. Welding of the vinyl cannot be done at this time of year. Temporary rails to be installed for safety.
- Finish the courtyard side of building 1 to clean up the flapping paper.
Wayne made a motion to stop construction, finish what’s partially done on the
front, clean up the courtyard side of the building and winterize and begin again in the Spring.
Motion amended by Chris to include stop in construction due to upcoming winter weather.
Deanne questioned if Dan would increase the bid quote. Cathy will speak to Dan.
2nd by Carol. Approved.
Attorney: Carol gave an update on recent correspondence with attorney.
Executive session to discuss legal matters – 10:15.
Back in session -10:35
Chris made a motion to give Carol and Cathy the authority to continue representing the Board to finish current legal issues. 2nd by Deanne. Approved.
Illegal Activities: All issues have been dealt with.
Board Contract: Board contract issues dealt with.
Security: Security for Building 2 and the bike shed. Deanne made motion to authorize bids for replacing rail for safety purposes and installing electricity to the shed. 2nd by Chris. Approved.
BBWS: Cathy advised that BBWarm (county) will be dealing with run-off water issues prior to beginning berm project.
Internet: Cathy provided information on group internet access provided by Echo Wireless. Equipment can be installed at no cost to the Board and will provide internet access to all owners at a fee suited to individual owners.
Carol made a motion to make a contract with Echo Wireless. 2nd by Deanne. Approved.
Dues: Discussion regarding raising dues by $25.00 per month. Chris suggested raising the monthly assessment to $75.00 rather than the dues as the assessment is tax deductible. Deferred to annual meeting.
Honorarium: Discussion regarding President and Treasurer receiving reductions in dues.
Wayne made a motion to activate reduction in dues as approved in Annual Meeting held June 2, 2012. 2nd by Chris. Approved.
Cathy and Carol obstained.
OTHER BUSINESS: Moving truck observed moving occupant in the evening from/into building 2 without prior notification to the Board.
Letter to be sent to owners reminding to notify the Board when renters moving in or out prior to move date and to have a copy of the rental agreement forwarded to the Board. Carol will draft and send out letter to owners who currently rent.
Wayne requested approval to remove miscellaneous patio furniture left in patio area outside the pool. Carol made a motion to authorize Wayne to remove and dispose of all scrap furniture. 2nd by Deanne. Approved.
Motion to adjourn by Cathy. 2nd by Kim. Approved.
Next meeting: November 16, 2013 at 9:00 am
Kimberli Burgess, Secretary